What does the law of supply state?


Answer 1

Answer: The law of supply states that suppliers will supply more goods or services as the price of the goods or services rise and vice versa.


The law of supply states that suppliers will supply more goods or services as the price of the goods or services rise and suppliers will supply less goods or services as the price of the goods or services decrease. Thus, it indicates that suppliers will make more gain or profit by supplying more of a good at a higher price.

Also, supply refers to the quantity of goods and services which a supplier is willing and able to supply at a given rate over a specified period of time.

Answer 2

Final answer:

The law of supply states that there is a direct relationship between the price of a good and the quantity supplied by producers. As the price increases, the quantity supplied also increases, and vice versa. This law is based on the principle of profit maximization.


The law of supply states that there is a direct relationship between the price of a good or service and the quantity supplied, assuming all other factors remain constant. In other words, as the price of a good increases, the quantity supplied by producers also increases, and vice versa. This law is based on the principle of profit maximization, where producers aim to supply more goods when prices are high to maximize their profits.

Learn more about Law of Supply here:



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Cordial candies are round/oval candies filled with fruit preserves (cherry, strawberry, raspberry, blueberry) or cream and covered with chocolate. 

They're called Cordial Candies because in baking, "cordial" is a concentrated, fruit-flavored syrup. This is put into chocolate shells as a solid, and is then turned back into a liquid with the use of a special enzyme (invertase). 

Round or oval candies filled with fruit preserves or cream and covered with chocolate are called sugar plum.

Traditional Christmas candies called "sugar plums" are made of crunchy sugar, almonds, and dried fruit. They can have a chocolate coating and are frequently spherical or oval. By the 16th century, the name "sugar plum" had come to refer to an extensive range of candied fruits, nuts, and roots.

In the 17th century, sugar plums were prepared by experienced artisans who spent years as apprentices by coating seeds or nuts with sugar. Since they are composed primarily of dried fruit and toasted almonds and are scented with warm spices, sugar plums are among the healthiest holiday snacks.

Learn more about on sugar plum, here:



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What were two reasons that the Russian army suffered incredible losses during WW1?


Well, I am Russian, so you are getting this STRAIGHT from a source:
The two reasons were hunger and lack of medicine;
At that time, Russia's government were mostly dictators, and stole a LOT of food from the people, and a LOT of harvests & crops from the farmers for businesses;
Medicine was EXTREMELY expensive, and of course, the soldiers were treated WORSE than the people..........
So when they called for donations, the citizens BARELY were able to support themselves, so there was almost NOTHING to give to the soldiers!
Now, there were SOME food and medicine saved for soldiers, but it rationed QUITE QUICKLY!
So MANY soldiers were ill really fast, but due to the VERY skillful and useful techniques they learned to fight in the war, they still survived, (of course, there were soldiers who died too, but a MAJORITY of the Russians won).
I hope I helped, and PLEASE choose my answer as the Brainliest!
Thank you! =D

Which of the location was slave trading outlawed by the Compromise of 1850?. . . . a.New York. .
b.District of Columbia. .
c.Maryland. .


The right answer here is B - it was the district of Columbia in which slave trading was outlawed by the compromise of 1850. However, although the slave trade itself was abolished, slavery was still legal, so there was still quite some way to go before freedom for slaves could be fully achieved.

Level of employment reached when there is no cyclical unemployment.a. seasonal employment
c. frictional employment
b. full employment
d. structural employment


Option b. full employment

Full employment as an employment rate that includes no cyclical (also known as deficient demand or Keynesian) unemployment in other words, when there is enough overall demand in the economy for everyone who wants a job to have one.

The answer is "b. full employment".

Full employment alludes to a circumstance in which each physically fit individual who will work at the common rate of wages is, in fact, utilized. Then again, it is a circumstance when there is no involuntary unemployment.

That is the reason full employment is likewise characterized as a circumstance where there is no involuntary unemployment.

Mendax Pharmaceuticals is trying out its new antidepressant. One group of participants took the new drug, another group received a placebo, and a third had a weekly meeting with a therapist. Midway through the trial, the therapist had to drop out and was replaced by a new therapist. Because of this, the experiment may not be ____



Because of the therapist having to drop in the middle of the course and having been replaced by another therapist, the experiment may not be reliable.


  • Though the first therapist must have recorded his observations, the replaced therapist might not be able to comprehend them completely with the meanings and understandings that the first therapist associated with them.
  • The drawback of a new therapist taking up the responsibility of the old therapist would be that the implications of the experiment might abruptly change.