8000 in Roman nos can be written as 'VIII' with a line above the numerals, to indicate multiplication by 1000.
To write 8000 in Roman nos, you should understand that the Roman numeral system uses symbols to represent numbers. For example, the symbol 'I' stands for 1, 'V' stands for 5, 'X' stands for 10, and so forth. However, the Roman numeral system has no standard numeral for 8000. The Romans commonly only used numerals up to 1000 (M). For higher numbers, they sometimes used a line over a number to indicate multiplication by 1000. Thus, 8000 can be represented as 'VIII' with a line over it.
Step-by-step explanation:
(expand the brackets)
(combine like terms)
Hope this helps :)
The correct answer is C. 150x + 625 because x equals the total number of weeks. Hope this helps!
20 juice cups(each juice cup holds 10 fluid ounces)=20*10 ounces so, you need to purchase: 200/128=1.562 gallons= 2 bottles of juice each containing one gallons
Answer: 2 bottles of juice for her little brothers birthday party
60 inches (it would be a rectangle 3 by 27)
36inches (it would be a rectangle 9 by 9)