Rita divides Avogadro’s number (approximately 6.022 mc002-1.jpg 1023) by 2.0550 to calculate the number of atoms in a sample. Which expression gives her result to the correct number of significant figures?


Answer 1
Answer: Here you have two numbers. Avogadro's number is given with four significant figures, while number 2.0550 is given with five significant figures. That means that your result must be shown with four significant figures. So, 6.022 * 10 ^ 23 / 2.0550 = 2.930 * 10 ^ 23, which has been rounded to four significant figures. Answer: 2.930 * 10 ^ 23
Answer 2


Answer is B

Explanation: Trust

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The answer is D. Stars are formed from interstellar clouds because of the Law of Universal Gravitation. The interstellar clouds are termed as nebula. When other stars dies a supernova occurs then the gravity from this pushes matter into the clouds until it cannot overcome the gravitational pull and it collapses which heats matter up forming a star.

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Answer: The correct answer is carbon.


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The number that you have shown the exponent would be negative and I believe it would be 6 places so 8.9911 x 10^-6

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