List three environmental factors that could cause certain neurological conditions and indicate the neurological disease caused by each one.I did this:
Three environmental factors that could cause certain neurologist conditions:
- Radiation: This may produce Cancer in the brain, making it spread.
- Genetic Mutation: This has many symptoms, it can cause autism, Down syndrome, strokes etc.)
- A lot of Drugs/Alcohol: This may cause long term diseases, delirium, and dementia.

Is it okay?


Answer 1


Three environmental factors can be:

1.Ionizing radiation: cancer in the bone marrow or stomach

2.Solar radiation: skin cancer

3. Electromagnetic fields: induction of cataracts of the eyes.


1. Radiation sickness occurs when exposed to very high doses of ionizing radiation. It may be acute or chronic. The risk for cancer is dose dependent and an accumulation effect begins if the doses are very low.

2. Skin cancer is malignant that is caused by the uncontrolled division and growth of skin cells, with the ability to invade healthy tissues.

3. The thermal effects of electromagnetic fields produced by radar waves include the increase in body temperature by more than 1º C. Its effects include the cataracts of the eyes, and physiological and thermo-regulatory responses as the body temperature increases .

Answer 2
Answer: Yes it's great keep it up, if you need elaboration feel free to ask

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The answer is a pedigree chart.

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