HELP ASAP PLEASE!!!!All of these things occur during interphase except __________________.

A. A phase of rapid growth occurs.
B. Only occurs during cell division.
C. Cell division is not occurring.
D. The cell prepares for division by duplicating its chromosomes within the nucleus (replication).


Answer 1

All of these things occur during interphase except:

B. Only occurs during cell division

Interphase is where the cell grows and duplicates its DNA, and this process comes before cell division. Interphase does not occur during cell division, but prepares for it.

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Three genes in fruit flies affect a particular trait, and one dominant allele of each gene is necessary to get a wild-type phenotype. a. What phenotypic ratios would you predict among the progeny if you crossed triply heterozygous flies? b. You cross a particular wild-type male in succession with three tester strains. In the cross with one tester strain (AA bb cc), only 1/4 of the progeny are wild type. In the crosses involving the other two tester strains (aa BB cc and aa bb CO, half of the progeny are wild type. What is the genotype of the wild-type male?


a. When crossing triply heterozygous flies (Aa Bb Cc), where each gene has one dominant allele and one recessive allele, the phenotypic ratios among the progeny would be 1:1. b. The genotype of the wild-type male can be deduced based on the phenotypic ratios observed in the crosses with the tester strains.

a. If you crossed triply heterozygous flies (Aa Bb Cc), where each gene has one dominant allele and one recessive allele, you can use the product rule to predict the phenotypic ratios among the progeny.

For each gene, the possible gametes are A and a, B and b, C and c. When you cross the triply heterozygous flies, you can determine the possible genotypes of the offspring:


AA BB CC (wild type)

AA BB Cc (wild type)

AA Bb CC (wild type)

AA Bb Cc (wild type)

Aa BB CC (wild type)

Aa BB Cc (wild type)

Aa Bb CC (wild type)

Aa Bb Cc (wild type)

The phenotypic ratios can be determined by counting the number of wild-type (dominant phenotype) offspring and dividing it by the total number of offspring:

Wild-type progeny (AA BB CC, AA BB Cc, AA Bb CC, AA Bb Cc, Aa BB CC, Aa BB Cc, Aa Bb CC, Aa Bb Cc) = 8

Total number of progeny = 8 (since each possible genotype occurs once)

Phenotypic ratio: 8 wild-type : 8 total = 1:1

b. To determine the genotype of the wild-type male, we can deduce it based on the phenotypic ratios observed in the crosses with the tester strains.

In the cross with the tester strain AA bb cc, only 1/4 of the progeny are wild type. This means that the male being tested (wild-type male) must be heterozygous for the B and C genes (Aa Bb Cc) since the wild-type phenotype requires one dominant allele for each of the three genes.

In the crosses involving the other two tester strains (aa BB cc and aa bb CO), half of the progeny are wild type. This indicates that the wild-type male is homozygous for the A gene (AA Bb Cc) since the wild-type phenotype requires two dominant alleles for the A gene.

So, the genotype of the wild-type male is Aa BB Cc.

To learn more about  progeny



the genotype depends more on if its a boy or girl


The five-kingdom system of classification reflects the idea that all organisms can be separated into two main groups: prokaryotes and eukaryotes. The new six-kingdom system recognizes three broader groups that include six kingdoms. How do the three basic groups of the six-kingdom system differ from those of the 5-kingdom system? A) The six-kingdom system has three domains in order to includes a new kingdom for viruses. B) The six-kingdom recognizes the vast differences in protists and divides them into two kingdoms. C) The six-kingdom system has three domains: two domains separate all prokaryotic organisms into two new groups. D) The six-kingdom system adds a broader classification of domain to divide all living things into three groups: microorganisms, plants, and animals.



C. The six-kingdom system has three domains: two domains separate all prokaryotic organisms into two new groups.


  • The six-kingdom system has three domains: two domains separate all prokaryotic organisms into two new groups.
  • Organisms are classified into three Domains and into one of six Kingdoms of life. The three-domain system has Archaea, Bacteria, and Eukarya, while the Kingdoms are Archaebacteria, Eubacteria, Protista, Fungi, Plantae, and Animalia.
  • All eukaryotic organisms are in the domain Eukarya. Prokaryotes are divided into two kingdoms and two domains, Archaea and Bacteria.
i believe the answer is c because there are 3 domains: Archaea, Bacteria, and eukraya. 



Being cute can help species because they would attract people,environmentalists, who would want to save them from extinction.

What do the organisms in each trophic level eat


Trophic levels can be represented by numbers, starting at level 1with plants. Further trophic levels are numbered subsequently accordingto how far the organism is along the food chain.Level 1: Plants and algae make their own food and are called primary producers.Level 2: Herbivores eat plants and are called primary consumers.Level 3: Carnivores that eat herbivores are called secondary consumers.Level 4: Carnivores that eat other carnivores are called tertiary consumers.Level 5: Apex predators that have no predators are at the top of the food chain.*Hope that helps XD*

Final answer:

The food chain starts with primary producers like plants, consumed by primary consumers (herbivores). They in turn are eaten by secondary consumers (usually carnivores), and so on up the chain to the apex consumers. Decomposers break down dead material at all levels, returning nutrients to the ecosystem.


Organisms residing at various levels of the trophic structure in an ecosystem have different food sources. At the base of the food chain, we have primary producers, typically photosynthetic organisms like plants and phytoplankton. These organisms make their own food using sunlight.

The primary consumers are ordinarily herbivores that directly consume the primary producers. Following them are the secondary consumers, usually carnivores that eat the primary consumers. Similarly, tertiary consumers are carnivores that consume other carnivores.

Further up the food chain we have the higher-level consumers who feed on the lower trophic levels. At the top of the food chain are the apex consumers. Meanwhile, decomposers break down dead producers and consumers, returning nutrients to the soil.

Learn more about Trophic Levels here:


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"One whose trait is always shows up in the organism when the allele is present".