Which line is an example of the poetic technique metonymy


Answer 1
Answer: A metonymy is when you use a concept to denote a different concept that is close to meaning. It's when you say Hollywood makes great movies, but it's not really hollywood, it's the studios who exist in hollywood. Apply this logic to your lines since you didn't provide them here.

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b. use of vivid imagery
c. popularity in the present day
d. focus on poet's experiences


Answer:the answer is d

Explanation:hope this helps

A. use vivid imagery.

is Correct.

I recently took the test and i can verify this claim.

Which one of the following words illustrates the addition of a vowel suffiixA. Tenderness
B. Likelihood
C. Careful
D. Dangerously


The answer on this item is not found in the choices. Why? Simply because vowel suffix is only added when the root word or the word has a silent e which has to be dropped. Here is the analysis: tenderness- root word: tender, -ness is added as a suffix, obviously it is a consonant suffix Likelihood- root word: likely, -hood was added (“y” from the word likely is changed to “i”) Careful- root word: care, -ful is added as a suffix. Although the word has a silent “e”, the silent “e” was not dropped but kept since you cannot spell “careful” as “carful”. Thus, this is consonant suffix. Consonant suffix are added to words with silent “e” but this silent "e” is not dropped but kept. Dangerously- root word: danger- -ous is added as suffix, another word to consider is dangerous, -ly was added as suffix which is definitely a consonant suffix. >>>Vowel suffix are added to words with silent “e”, before adding the suffix, “e” should be dropped. For instance: Bake- drop “e’ and add -ed Take- drop “e” and add -en Ride- drop “e” and add -ing. Hope this helps.:)

The tortoise wins the race against the hare in Aesop's fable, proving that persistence is more important than ___. A. conglomeration B. discourse C. celerity D. precursor


The tortoise wins the race against the hare in Aesop's fable, proving that persistece is more important than celerity.

_________________ is also called public communication or presentational communication.a. Small group Communication
b. Interpersonal Communication
c. Computer-mediated Communication
d. Public Speaking


The correct answer is D. Public Speaking


Public speaking refers to the process of communicating a message to an audience or wide group of people mainly through a speech with the purpose of informing, persuading or entertaining. Usually, in speeches there is only one speaker or few speakers and a wide group of listeners, this implies speeches are mainly public as a lot of people have access to them and hear the message at the same time. Also, public speaking is part of presentational communication as an individual speaks to the audience and presents a subject, topic or position, that differs from one-way communication that is an individual speaking to another individual. Thus, public speaking is also called public communication or presentational communication.


D. Public Speaking

Which additional word in the sentence, if any, should be followed by a comma? Soup, on the other hand sounds like a perfect addition to tonight's dinner.
a. There is no error in comma usage.
b. addition
c. like
d. hand


Yes the answer is d hand because you need a comma after hand

In which sentence are all periods used correctly?a. Mr. Langan requested a wake-up call for 9:00
a. M. on Saturday.
b. Dr. Vaughn gave Mrs Vaughn a pearl necklace for their tenth anniversary.
c. The 5 ft plank was too short and needed to be recut.
d. Why was there such noise at 6:00 AM?


The correct answer is A.Mr. Langan requested a wake-up call for 9:00
A. is the right answer because all periods used is correctly said Mr. Langan requested a wake-up call for 9:00.

good luck
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