What is one way the Spanish War of Independence encouraged those in the colonies to seek new political and economic rights?The period of administrative freedom caused by the war gave leaders the opportunity to rebel for these rights.

The disruptions caused by the war encouraged colonial merchants to seek markets in the Pacific.

The exposure to French ideas through the war convinced many in Spain to provide these liberties to the colonies.

The war with France made Spain tighten their political and economic hold on the colonies in desperation.


Answer 1
Answer: The one way the Spanish War of Independence encouraged those in the colonies to seek new political and economic rights was the period of administrative freedom caused by the war gave leaders the opportunity to rebel for these rights. The correct option among all the options that are given in the question is the first option.

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Which achievements are most closely associatedwith the Golden Age of Islamic culture?
(1) mosques, medical books, and algebra
(2) gunpowder, pagodas, and silk
(3) aqueducts, roads, and polytheistic temples
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Answer: (1) mosques, medical books, and algebra

The Golden Age of Islam is traditionally considered to have happened between the 8th and the 14th century. During this period, cultural, economic and scientific knowledge flourished. Many scholars from all over the Islamic world studied in Baghdad, which became a center of knowledge and scholarship. Advanced medical books were written, and algebra was developed. Greek and Roman knowledge was translated and preserved. The advancements of Arabic culture were also clear in their architecture.

(1) mosques, medical books, and algebra
a major hint is the mention of mosques, which are temples for islamic people to worship in
otherwise, the golden age of islam had advances in medicine and mathematics
hope this helps!

What problems threatened the peace after world War 1?


Harsh Treaty of Versailles, massive war debt, and a weak League of Nations

The Treaty of Versailles was very harsh toward the losing side in particular Germany. The harshness of the treaty caused nationalistic reactions leading to military buildup and extreme leaders to take control.

Massive debt in Europe led to depression in Europe and eventually in the US. The depression made economies stop dead in their tracks and caused hyperinflation in Germany as well as weak currency. These conditions also contributed extreme leaders.

Lastly, the construction of the League of Nations provided weak leadership when countries became aggressive. The US refused to join despite being the architect of the organization. In addition, the countries turned to appeasement instead of addressing the aggressors.

Post-World War 1, threats to peace emerged from territorial disputes, economic instability, political tensions, nationalism, and unresolved issues from theTreaty of Versailles.

The Treaty of Versailles, signed in 1919, was a peace treaty that officially ended World War I and imposed several conditions on Germany. It placed blame on Germany for the war, demanded substantial reparations, territorial adjustments, disarmament, and other punitive measures.

The treaty significantly weakened Germany economically and politically, leading to resentment and contributing to the rise of extremism.

Many historians argue that the harsh terms of the Treaty of Versailles sowed the seeds for future conflicts, such as World War II, as it created a sense of injustice and discontent among the German population and undermined stability in Europe.

Learn more about Treaty of Versailles here:



How did akbar, mughal emperor of india approach religion during his rule


Akbar the Mughal emperor of India approached religion during his rule with tolerance. He was the emperor, under whose rule all religions lived with peace and dignity. His tolerant nature was one reason for the flourishing of his empire. He is also known as Akbar the Great. I hope the answer helps you.

What did Sumerian states call their temples?


They were called Ziggurats.

Name the six states that had African American population of more than 1.5 million in 1990.


In 1990, the following six States in had an African-American population of more than 1.5 million:

New York




North Carolina


Today, the numbers are significantly higher. As of latest census North Carolina has more than 2 million African-Americans, while has 2.9 million.

However, states such as Texas and California now have a far higher percentage of Hispanics than African Americans.

Apart from this, in terms of the percentage of the total population, the district of Columbia has the highest percentage of African-Americans anywhere in the country. In fact, Washington DC's population is 50.7% African-American.

This is followed by Mississippi where 37% of the population is African-American.

Ohio, Texas, California, North Carolina, Georgia, and New York.  Even the black rate is the same rate as of today.

Today, the fundamentalist movement in the Middle East calls for



B) adherence to Islamic political traditions. Hope this helps :)
