Charlie's high waist circumference and BMI suggest he is at risk for certain health problems like cardiovascular diseases and type 2 diabetes, despite his normal skin fold measurement. He should consider diet, exercise, or consult a healthcare professional to reduce these risks.
Given Charlie's waist circumference of 47 inches and a BMI of 29, both are diagnostic markers for potential health risks. The waist circumference is particularly concerning as it suggests a high amount of abdominal fat, which can increase the risk of cardiovascular diseases and type 2 diabetes. His Body Mass Index (BMI) is also on the higher end of what's considered overweight (24.9 - 29.9), which could lead to similar health issues. Despite having a normal skin fold measurement test which indicates average amounts of body fat, these other measures suggest that Charlie should take action to reduce his risk. This might include improving his diet, increasing physical activity, or consulting a healthcare professional for further advice.
Muscular Body type
According to Sheldon, people with a mesomorph body type tend to have a medium frame. They may develop muscles easily and have more muscle than fat on their bodies. Mesomorphs are typically strong and solid, not overweight or underweight.
b. type 2 diabetes
c. multiple sclerosis
d. rheumatoid arthritis