N the 1920s, manufacturers encouraged consumerism by offering


Answer 1
Answer: In the 1920s, manufacturers encouraged consumerism by offering Installment plans.

Since many of the consumer couldn't afford to pay for the product in full price, the company tend to arrange some sort of arrangement of payments that make it easier for the consumer

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itz A through C on edge the first user is wrong


have a bless day

hope this helps

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The answer to your question is,

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Arrange the events of the Vietnam War in the correct sequence.



1. Vietnam is divided into two countries

2. The Viet Cong start a resistance against Ngo Dinh

3. President Johnson escalates US involvement in the war

4. Vietnam is unified under a communist government


Final answer:

The events of the Vietnam War can be arranged in the following sequence: Vietnam's independence and division, U.S. involvement and escalation, Nixon's policies and secret bombing, release of the Pentagon Papers, peace treaty and U.S. withdrawal, and South Vietnam's surrender.


Events of the Vietnam War in Sequence:

  1. Following the Battle of Dien Bien Phu in 1954, France granted independence to Vietnam, Laos, and Cambodia. Vietnam was divided into North and South along the 17th parallel.
  2. The United States sent military advisors to Vietnam in the early 1960s under President Kennedy's leadership.
  3. The situation escalated in 1965 when President Johnson committed U.S. ground forces and began bombing the North.
  4. In 1968, coordinated Viet Cong attacks struck cities and military installations.
  5. Nixon began the process of Vietnamization, transferring more responsibility to South Vietnamese forces and withdrawing U.S. troops from the field.
  6. In 1970, Nixon authorized the secret bombing of Cambodia.
  7. In 1971, the Pentagon Papers were released, revealing the true nature of the war.
  8. Henry Kissinger drafted a peace treaty, leading to the withdrawal of U.S. troops in 1973.
  9. South Vietnam surrendered to the North in 1975.

Learn more about Vietnam War here:



In both the united state and japan, major effects of industrialization wereA. increased urbanization and rapid economic growth
B. expanded military power and increased economic equality
C. laws banning factory owners and workers from leaving the country
D. technological innovations and the end of feudalism


"B. expanded military power and increased economic equality" Industrialization led to massive amounts of steel and iron production, which of course increased production of military units such as ships and guns. It also provided numerous factory jobs, which led to increased economic equality.

increased urbanization and rapid economic growth

Define popular sovereignty.A. government powers are limited by the popularity of the elected leaders
B. government is intended only to serve and protect the people
C. government powers should be divided into three branches: executive, legislative, and judicial
D. government only exists and functions with the consent of the people being governed


Popular sovereignty can best be described as "D. government only exists and functions with the consent of the people being governed", since this allows for the most freedom of the population. 

Answer:  D. government only exists and functions with the consent of the people being governed.


"Popular sovereignty" means the people are in charge of establishing a government over themselves.  

The founding fathers of the United States adopted the idea of popular sovereignty from Enlightenment philosophers like John Locke (of England) and Jean-Jacques Rousseau (of France).

The Declaration of Independence (1776), written primarily by Thomas Jefferson, asserted the concept of popular sovereignty.  The Declaration insisted that people institute governments in order to secure their rights, and that governments get their authority from the consent of the governed.  "Whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends," the Declaration of Independence said, "it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness."

What was nickname for president reagan's plan to destroy soviet nuclear missiles in space?


The answer for your question would be : Star Wars
President reagan's plan to destroy soviet nuclear missiles in space was nicknamed star wars. Actually it was the name that was given by media. The actual project name was Strategic Defense initiatives


B) “Star Wars”
