The dermal tissue system protects the soft tissues of plants and controls interactions with the plants' surroundings. The epidermis is a dermal tissue that is usually a single layer of cells covering the younger parts of a plant. It secretes a waxy layer called the cuticle that inhibits water loss.
for a egg
Select one:
A. For two weeks of her study, she can eat her high protein meal
for breakfast and high carbohydrate meal for lunch; she should
then switch the meals for the last two weeks.
B. She should try running a longer distance after lunch since
she seems to be faster regardless of her meal. C.She should only eat her high protein meals for breakfast and
only eat her high carbohydrate meals for lunch for all four weeks
of her study. D. She should eat only protein meals on some days and only
carbohydrate meals on other days, which can be determined by a
coin toss.
Time and quantity of food if changed or regulated sincerely then Courtney would be able to see the true impact of her type of meals
Suppose if Courtney chooses Option C as the choice of food for her race time, then her emphasis should be on two things in order to see the true impact of her meals -
a) The time at which food is taken - For breakfast , she should try to take her food between 6 to 8 AM and not later than this.
b) The quantity of food - Quantity of food is very essential to maintain a good health which will in turn ensure better performance in race.
The time of day seems to influence her speed; however, she wants to test the impact of the type of meals she eats.
B: Continental crust is composed of only igneous rocks
C: Ocean crust is younger
D: Continental crust is older
The methods by which DNA molecules multiply is known as REPLICATION
In all living organism DNA replication occurs. IN replication DNA replicates in this way making its replica or we can say its copy.
During replication, both the strands of DNA are separated first. Then each DNA strand function as the template and makes its own copy to make the full DNA molecule. This is the SEMICONSERVATIVE mode of replication. In which each DNA molecule has one parent strand and one newly synthesized strand.
The replication start sight is ORIGIN OF REPLICTION( in E.coli ori c). At this location Helicase enzymes help in opening of the DNA.
The enzyme which has very unique function of adding nucleotide on the DNA strand and synthesizing DNA is DNApolymerase.
DNA replication occurs in 3' to 5' direction.
polymerase chain reaction