Why is a frog's tongue anchored in the very front - opposite to the orientation and anchoring of humans?


Answer 1
Answer: When a frog catches an insect, it throws its sticky tongue out of it’s mouth and wraps it around its prey.  The frog’s tongue then snaps back and throws the food down its throat.

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The correct answer is (c.) The statement that says: Carbohydrates are large molecules made p of monosaccharides and are used by organisms for energy storage, best describes the structure and the function of a carbohydrate. 


The answer is:

Carbohydrates are large molecules made up of monosaccharides and are used by organisms for energy storage.


The child of a short mother with black hair and a tall father with red hair is tall with black hair. This occurred because A) the parents provided some of the chromosomes.
B) the parents and the child have identical nuclei.
C) the child inherited chromosomes from both parents. D) the child inherited more chromosome from the father.


Answer: The correct answer is -

C) the child inherited chromosomes from both parents.

The child inherits 50% of the chromosomes from his father and other 50% from his mother (through fusion of male and female gametes that are sperm and egg respectively).

Due to this, child exhibits some of the paternal traits and some of the maternal traits. As per the given information in this question, mother is short with black hair and father is tall with red hair. The child produced is tall with black hairs. This also suggests that tall height and black hair are dominant traits (depicted by dominant gene variant) that suprress the expression of recessive trait (depicted by recessive gene variant), which are short height and red hairs.

Your answer is C. the child inherited chromosomes from both parents. Good luck with the rest of homework and have a merry 1/10/17!!