A series circuit has a lamp, a battery, an ammeter and a switch. What would the ammeter read


Answer 1
Answer: When the switch is open, the ammeter reads zero. When the switch is closed, the meter reads a number that's (battery voltage) divided by (resistance of the lamp), and the lamp glows.
Answer 2
Answer: the ammeter would read the current flowing in the circuit

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How do you increase
kinetic energy of an apple


In order to give the apple more kinetic energy than it has right now,
you must make it move faster than it is moving right now.  You could
drop it, roll it, toss it, or gingerly place it in a moving car or airplane.
Whatever method you select, motion ... specifically speed ... is the
key to kinetic energy.

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b. False


It's B.
It's never going to be true UNLESS you cooled the entire thing to below zero then it could be true.

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The correct answer for the question that is being presented above is this one: "b. 32 lbs." Suppose you pour one cubic foot of seawater into a light plastic bag, tie the bag closed with o air bubbles inside, and lower it into the ocean via a light attached string. When the bag of seawater is completely submerged the force will be 32 lbs.

Most atoms in the Sun exist as:



Most atoms in the Sun exist as Plasma, god bless u
u did it the way i asked. nice lol. its plasma btw

How can a protein outside the cell cause events to happen inside the cell?





The proteins(sometimes are called celluar ligands) outside the cell can bind to a receptor protein( generally found on the cell membranes) on the cell surface, causing it( receptor protein) to change the shape and sending a signal inside the cell.

Final answer:

A protein exterior to a cell can influence intracellular processes through receptors on the cell's surface. This change can affect DNA transcription, regulate cell cycle, or stimulate cell death. Malfunctions in these proteins can lead to health issues like cancer, asthma, and hypertension.


A protein outside the cell can cause events to happen inside the cell with the help of the protein receptors on the cell's plasma membrane. When a molecule binds to the receptor on the cell's surface, it triggers a change in the receptor's structure. This change then affects the microfilaments inside the cell, which in turn initiates a series of chemical signals inside the cell affecting the transcription of DNA. This process can regulate activities such as the cell cycle or initiate cell death, also known as apoptosis, under certain conditions.

For example, external events such as cellular crowding or hormonal changes can influence cell division. Another example can be seen in T-cells. They target foreign cells for destruction by the immune system. If these T-cells accidentally target the cells of their own organism, this can lead to autoimmune diseases. In such cases, the T-cell binds to the 'self' proteins which triggers apoptosis to remove the harmful cell.

Errors in the structure of these receptor proteins can lead to various health issues like hypertension, asthma, heart disease, and cancer.

Learn more about Cellular Communication here:



um carro com uma velocidade de 80 km\h passa pelo km 240 de uma rodovia as 7:30. a que horas este carro chegara a proxima cidade, sabendo-se que a mesma esta situada no km 300 dessa rodovia?


From km 240 to km 300 there are 60 km.

The time to travel 60 km at 80km/h is t = d/V = 60km / 80 km/h = 3/4 h.

That is 45 minutes. Then the car will arrive at 7:30 + 45 min = 8:15.