a car travels 15 kilometers west in 10 minutes. after reaching the destination, the car travels back to the starting point, again taking 5 minutes. what is the average velocity of the car?


Answer 1
Answer: Velocity = (displacement) / (time)

'Displacement' is the distance between the start-point and end-point,
so the car's displacement is zero, and its average velocity is zero.

However,  Speed = (distance covered) / (time to cover the distance).

The car covered a distance of 30 km in 15 minutes,
so its average speed is

     (30km) / (0.25 hour)  =  120 km/hr.

'Velocity' is not simply a word you use for 'speed' when
you want to sound smarter.  They're two different things.

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What is the differences between novae and supernovae?




Nova comes from the Latin which means "new star" and is associated with a sudden brightening of a star and then gradually returns to its original form over a period that may vary from weeks to years.

While Supernova is infrequent celestial phenomena associated with the explosion of the material of star which results in a bright short-lived entity that emits a large amount of energy.

Supernova destroys its host star while nova does not destroy its host star and results in only a small amount of mass destruction.                

Describe the factors that determine power in your own words (not from a website)


As it was categorized in the physics category it must be the mechanical power.

Power is basically the amount of work done per unit time or in simpler words the amount of energy transferred per unit time.

The SI unit for power is Watt. Which is basically J/s or Nm/s as wor has the unit of Nm.

In electrical components power can also be categorized as the amount voltage supplied multiplied by the current passed through the component.

Since you put your question in the <Physics> category, I'll assume
you're talking about mechanical or electrical power, and not political
or military power etc.

Power is the rate of doing work or moving energy from one place
to another.

In mechanical contraptions, Work is (force) x (distance) ,
                           Power = (work) divided by (time)

                               or     = (force) x (distance) divided by (time).

In electrical circuits,

                           Power = (voltage) x (current)

                               or    =  (current)² x (resistance)

                               or    =  (voltage)² divided by (resistance) .

(Just use the formula with whatever quantities you know.)

A skier has an acceleration of −2.5 m/s2. How long does it take her to come to a complete stop from a speed of 18 m/s?


the answer to your question is 7.2


7.2 seconds


The formula is a = v/t, or acceleration = the change in velocity over the change in time.

In this case, you do simple algebra to rearrange the formula to solve for time: t = v/a, time = velocity/acceleration.

time = 18 m/s / 2.5 m/s^2 = 7.2s

Which of these is most likely to lead directly to a black market?a. a supply shock
c. rationing
b. a price floor
d. equilibrium



c. rationing


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 I would say it's rationing: if people are only allowed a certain number of something (let's say: bottles of cooking oil), then the people who are entitled to is (as all are) but don't need is as much are likely to try to make profit by trying to sell it on a black market.

Alpha particles \ beta particles / gamma radiation Put these different types of radiation in order from MOST to LEAST penetrating.


It goes: Gamma radiation > beta particles > alpha particles


Gamma > Beta > Alpha


A skateboarder on a half-pipe changes his velocity from 6.0 m/s forwards to 4.0 m/s backward in 5.0 s. What is the acceleration of the skateboarder?


the change in velocity is 10 m/s in 5 seconds.

sinces a = change in velocity/time

a= 10/5
