In Mississippi, Caucasian voters passed the notorious _________ of 1876, designed to “control” homeless African Americans.


Answer 1
Answer: In Mississippi, Caucasian voters passed the notorious “Pig Law” of 1876, designed to “control” homeless African Americans

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Administering an aversive stimulus following an operant response is



Administering an aversive stimulus following an operant response is positive punishment.


In operant conditioning, punishment is a strategy used to decrease the appearance of a behavior, contrary to a reinforcement, that aims to increase the apperance of a behavior.

Punishment can be either positive or negative, and although positive punishment may sound like a contradiction, in conditioning, positive doesn't refer to something good just like negative doesn't refer to something bad. Positive punishment means that a undesired or aversive stimulus is added to a behavior, a punishment is added in order to avoid the behavior or response.

Meanwhile, a negative punishment means that a desired stimulus is taken away as a punishment and as a way to avoid a behavior or response.

Real GDP per capita is the most popular way to measure _____. changes in prices standard of living changes in population


The best statement to fill in the blank is standard of living. Real GDP per capita is the most popular way to measure standard of living. The real GDP is an important indicator for the economic status of an area. It will dictate the quality of life of the people in that area.

standard of living                                hope this helps

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see image


I think that the cartoonist called it "fun with Economic Reality" because the Comic seems to be funny, and yet it treats a very serious and a very sad topic.

The Cartoonist implies that the rich don't really understand the problems of the poor and see the poor as "lucky" just because they are in the US, not understanding that the poor in the US are truly struggling, even if maybe their situation might not be as desperate as of the poor in Bangladesh. (which is not sure - it's not clear whether the poor have it worse in the US or in Bangladesh).

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The process in which scientists use experiments and observations to make logical conclusions about scientific inquiries is called the : Scientific Method

To answer a question with a scientific method, One must create a hypothesis and prove it through various experiments and observation. The answer that arise from scientific method is viable everywhere you go.


Scientists use experiments and observations to make logical conclusions about scientific inquiries. This process is called the scientific method. scientific process scientific inquiry scientific method scientific experiment

Why would a therapist suggest that an individual suffering from bulimia eat more through our the day


A therapist may suggest that an individual suffering from bulimia eat more throughout the day for several reasons:

1. **Normalization of Eating Patterns:** One of the primary goals in the treatment of bulimia is to establish and normalize regular eating patterns. Bulimia often involves episodes of binge eating followed by purging (e.g., vomiting or excessive exercise). Encouraging regular, balanced meals and snacks throughout the day can help the individual develop a healthier relationship with food and break the cycle of bingeing and purging.

2. **Blood Sugar Stabilization:** Eating regular meals and snacks helps stabilize blood sugar levels. Skipping meals or long periods without eating can lead to blood sugar fluctuations, which can trigger binge eating episodes. By spreading out food intake, the therapist aims to prevent extreme hunger, which can be a trigger for binge eating.

3. **Reducing Feelings of Deprivation:** Bulimia often involves a sense of deprivation or rigid dieting before binge episodes. Encouraging more consistent and balanced eating can reduce the perception of deprivation and may help decrease the urge to binge.

4. **Behavioral Experiments:** Therapists may use a cognitive-behavioral approach and suggest experiments to challenge irrational beliefs about food and eating. Encouraging regular eating can be part of these experiments, helping the individual confront and modify dysfunctional thoughts and behaviors related to food.

5. **Addressing Emotional Aspects:** Bulimia is often associated with emotional distress and coping mechanisms. Eating more regularly throughout the day can help individuals learn healthier ways to manage emotions and stress without resorting to bingeing and purging.

6. **Nutritional Needs:** Individuals with bulimia often have nutritional deficiencies due to their erratic eating patterns. Encouraging regular eating can help address these deficiencies and promote overall physical health.

It's important to note that therapy for bulimia should be individualized, and recommendations about eating patterns may vary based on the person's specific needs and circumstances. Therapists and dietitians work together to develop a treatment plan that addresses both the psychological and nutritional aspects of bulimia, aiming for long-term recovery and improved overall well-being.

Llustrate the five (05) stages of Weitzel and Jonsson's Model of Organizational decline by providing real-world examples


the answer is 05 no cap slatt I keep a glizzy on my side jit whole lotta gang ish