purpose: collecting data for school methods
wed. march 1st - first team meeting
re-introductions of fellow colleagues
overview of project agenda
research team debriefing
6pm dinner
open discussion for other possible research methods other than survey)
research of sub group organization and planning
publication of presentation
start drafting final ideas / survey
(all surveys to be sent to OC school district)
Earthrise is a photograph of Earth and some of the Moon's surface that was taken from lunar orbit by astronaut William Anders on December 24, 1968.
B: the value of the investment may be hard to predict.
C: the investment is high-risk, and its price will increase quickly.
D: the investment is undervalued and may increase over time.
parenthesis is the "underlined" sentence
The answer is .gov
because .com is for COMmercial websites and it is not reliable for things like WW1 and things like that.
.edu is a reliable website but .edu is used for EDUcation I guess it could be used to find out about WW1 but they focus more on EDUcation.
.org is a reliable website but it is used for ORGanizations such as big companies etc.
which only now leaves .gov It is the only one that makes sense because .gov is for GOVernment information and since WW1 is GOVernment related it makes sense that way.
I hope this helps someone who needs it!
b. What is a manageable topic?
c. What will I need to cover?
d. What will interest the reader?
Explanation: done it ed 2021