When you take out an insurance policy your monthly premium is the amount you pay each month to keep your insurance. In this case, the $200 a month premium allows you to file a claim if something were to happen because you are paying for the insurance services. When you set up your premiums they will base your monthly service rates off of your deductible amount if you need to file a claim. The out-of-pocket for a car accident with a deductible of $700 is $700. Once the deductible is paid, the insurance will pay out for the damage.
The maximum amount of out-of-pocket expenses is $700.
Further Explanation:
Deductible in health insurance:
The deductible is the amount that the insured person has to pay for the health care services before the insurance company starts to pay. An insurance company pays for the health care bills after a specific limit. The insured person has to pay the health expenses up to a specific limit. This limit is known as the deductible.
Out-of-pocket expenses:
It is the maximum amount of expenses that the insured person has to pay for medical expenses. It includes the deductible, coinsurance, and co-payment. Premium paid on the insurance policy is not considered in the out-of-pocket expenses.
Out-of-pocket expenses in case of a car accident:
In the given case, the deductible is $700. The out-of-pocket expense includes the deductible, coinsurance, and co-payment. There is no provision of coinsurance and co-payment in the given case. Therefore, $700 will be considered as out-of-pocket expenses.
Thus, the maximum amount of out-of-pocket expenses is $700.
Learn more:
1. Learn more about health care insurance
2. Learn more about the insurance rules
3. Learn more about the insurance cover
Answer details:
Grade: Senior School
Subject: Business Studies
Chapter: Insurance
Keywords: Your, auto, insurance, policy, has, a $200, monthly, premium, and, $700, deductible, What, is, the, maximum, amount, you, will, have, to, pay, out-of-pocket, for, a, car, accident, before, your, insurance, covers, your, costs.
B. A physical signal that becomes a digital signal
C. single 1 or 0 in a digital signal
D. An electrical signal in a wire
A measure of computer graphics and sound is the best definition of a bit.
A bit (binary digit) is the smallest unit of statistics that a laptop can system and keep. A bit is always in one in all two bodily states, just like an on/off light transfer. The state is represented by a single binary price, typically a zero or 1.
A pc is a device or tool that plays techniques, calculations, and operations based totally on commands furnished with the aid of a software or hardware program. It has the ability to simply accept facts (input), manner it, after which produce outputs.
Learn more about computer graphics here: brainly.com/question/17506968
Answer: A single 1 or 0 in a digital signal
Answer: Ranking appraisal method
The firm where Gillian work appraises employees using the ranking appraisal method.
Ranking appraisal method: This is a traditional appraisal method in which employees are compared with each other for the purpose of determining their worth. It is the oldest and simplest form of appraisal.
Employees are ranked based on their performance, that is, from the highest to the lowest performing employee or from the lowest to the highest performing employee. The ranking in the form of first position to the last position. Every employee strives to come first and be ahead of each other.
This type of appraisal encourages employees to compete healthily with each other so as to have a better ranking score. Employees become more productive and it increases the business output.
However, it is difficult to appraise employees using the ranking method when there are a large number of employees involved with different behavioural traits.
Social business responsibility means that one company responsible for their product or service. Triple Bottom Line is one of the theories in business sphere. It means that one company is a member of the moral community, so it gets social responsibilities. Triple Bottom Line includes economic sustainability, social sustainability and environmental sustainability. If all three components are executed , then the business is developing successfully.
b. It adds up the value of four groups of final goods and services.
c. It adds up the value of business goods and services.
d. It adds up the value of consumer goods and services
The correct answer is B. It adds up the value of our groups of finals goods and services
b. technology
c. freedom
d. equilibrium