The difference between a privately-held and public company is that the owners of the private company are the company’s founders or a group of private investors while in the public company, the company has undergone an initial public offering that means the company sold a portion of its shares to the public. The management of a public company is answerable to the shareholders as opposed to the private company. A public company sells the shares of stock and is listed in the stock exchange while a private company is unlisted.
A. A performance must always sell tickets
The sale of tickets is the primary source of revenue for performances. This is the true measure of how well the intended audience connects with the director/producer/actors/actresses of the performance
Other sources of revenue are often used but these are secondary
Comparing prices is a good idea because it increases the bargaining power of the consumer by knowing various prices of a product in the market the consumer is in a good position to negotiate or get a better quality for the product.
Comparing prices also means the buyer is better positioned to get the product on a low and make extra savings from the purchase for other purposes.
Traditionally, department stores sold both soft goods and hard goods. But now, most department stores focus almost exclusively on soft goods.
Soft goods refers generally to clothing and other textiles like bedding and fabrics.
Hard goods refers to a broad range of products like appliances, furniture, tools, electronics, etc.