Answer: The importance of a person taking care of its body has a big influence preventing diseases.
Heart disease is a set of conditions that affect this organ. The leading cause of death worldwide is due to heart disease. The various reasons that lead a person to develop a mental illness involve hereditary and cultural factors. When talking about hereditary factors, genetics plays a fundamental role. A person who has a history of cardiovascular disease is more likely to develop heart disease.
When talking about cultural factors, the practices that the person performs in their daily lives come into play to maintain a healthy lifestyle. A person who has a diet high in saturated fat and ingests few fruits and vegetables, practices little physical activity and leads a sedentary lifestyle, drinks alcohol excessively, does not make regular medical visits and has some other illness such as diabetes II can lead to the development of the cardiovascular disease.
So how much control do you have over these factors? The human being is responsible for taking care of your health in general. Eating habits and the way it leads its life, in general, is its responsibility and no one else can assume it. You are aware that wearing a healthy style offers positive results for your life, among which are reducing the risk of developing some heart disease and other diseases that can attack the body. Health depends largely on the attitude that the person has towards it. If you do not decide to take care of your body and follow the corresponding instructions over time you will likely begin to manifest symptoms of possible diseases.
How much responsibility should be placed on individuals who develop cardiovascular disease due to these factors? The responsibility that must be assumed by a person who develops cardiovascular disease due to the factors mentioned above is a lot. These people should be aware of the habits they are implementing in their health and the risk that comes with continuing that lifestyle. Each person should be responsible for their health and much more when they have received a diagnosis of having a high probability of developing heart disease.
the person above me is correct
i got 100%
never needs to be reconciled
is always mathematically correct
is not important
The amygdala is the cluster of neurons found in the brain’s medial temporal lobe. This almond-shaped structure, which is part of the limbic system of the brain, is responsible for flight or flight response when a stimuli in form of threat is received. It is the center for processing of emotions and feelings.
An individual whose amygdala is damaged would most certainly exhibit such character exhibited by Nece even when the guy in front of her is threatening with an angry look in his face.
Anne has a chronic disorder in which her body does not produce enough insulin from her pancreas. Anne has diabetes mellitus.
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The answer is renal artery.
B. Individual productivity is more important than group productivity.
C. Individual productivity is necessary for group productivity.
D. Waste isn't a problem in reaching group goals.