What is not something the Rider says to scare Will at the Stanton house on Christmas morning?A.
that no one can stop the Dark from rising

that the Dark will be established in the next 12 months

that Will and all the other Old Ones will be put to death

that the Dark will break the Circle before it can be formed


Answer 1
Answer: The right answer for the question that is being asked and shown above is that: "D. that the Dark will break the Circle before it can be formed." The statement that is not something the Rider says to scare Will at the Stanton house on Christmas morning is that the Dark will break the Circle before it can be formed

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2)The jar was round upon the ground

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4)The jar was gray and bare.

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Answer: 4) The jar was gray and bare. 

It should be that the word gray represents barrenness and the word bare refers to emptiness as their literal interpretation. As used in the modernist poetry, the jar connotes modern life in the midst of hollowness.


the jar was gray and bare



Positive qualities and character traits that determine how you act and perform your job refer toa. ethical behavior.
b. skills.
c. approachability.
d. professionalism. User: Good coding specialists share which of the following characteristics?
a. Advanced computer skills, ability to work from home, interest in specific specialty areas of medicine
b. Advanced degrees, interest in confidential medical information, dedication to long hours
c. Attention to ...


The correct answer for the question that is being presented above is this one: "d. professionalism." Positive qualities and character traits that determine how you act and perform your job refer to professionalism. 

The correct answer for the question that is being presented above is this one: "D. Attention to detail, thorough understanding of medical processes, ability to analyze large amounts of information ."

Choose the sentence in which the verb is a linking verb>He has walked to work form his house
>His boss pays him well
>He works at a gas station
>His hours are long and busy


The sentence in which the verb is a linkingverb is letter D: His hours are long and busy. 

Verbsare simply known as the ‘action’ words – may it be mental, physical ormechanical. When verbs are paired with auxiliaries (helping verbs), they areknown as verb phrase.

These helping verbs always go first before the actualverb. Perfecttenses serves a portraying the verb or the action word as something thatalready happened or is completed, thus the term ‘perfect’. If it is presentperfect tense, it means that the action was already done relatively to thepresent (has/have with past participle). If it is past perfect tense, action isalready finished relatively to the past (had with past participle and if it isfuture perfect tense, action is complete relatively to the future (will havewith past participle). 

What is the relationship between the Gutenberg printing press and the age of discovery?



The Age of Discovery was fueled by written travel accounts and popular maps that were printed and sold widely.



They are in common because the the printing press helped 1.Make books faster which made books cheaper
2. helped created more newspapers
Which is part of the age of discovery

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Knowing how the actors do things differently than other people

Which of the following sentences is written in the passive voice?A. They considered their options.
B. I would not provoke that man if I were you.
C. The effects of cyanide are well known.
D. Having left the building, Elvis never returned.


We are to determine which among the given choices is an example of a sentence that is in its passive form. Sentences in passive form are those with doer of the action as the predicate. From the sentences presented, the answer is, "The effects of cyanide are well known". The answer is letter C.
The sentence which is written in the passive voice is C.The effects of cyanide are well known. When there is no performing subject in the sentence and verb stands as a doer of an action, that means that verb is put in the passive. The rest of options contain both subject and verb, whereas in option C subject is performed by the verb.