He called himself the Sun King because he considered himself as important as the sun itself.
He created and enforced laws that prohibited persecution for religious beliefs.
During his 72-year reign, he claimed the divine right of kings.
He did all that he could and made sacrifices to help the working people with their everyday struggles.
Correct answers:
Louis XIV is a hugely important historical figure. He was on the throne as king in France from childhood to his old age; he ruled from 1643 to 1715. He was known as the Sun King because all activity in France basically revolved around him. So much so was that the case, that members of the nobility competed with each other for the right to help the king get dressed in the morning! It was one of Louis XIV's goals to keep the ranking nobles from being a threat to his power, so he lured them to come live at the glorious Versailles palace with him. That way he could keep them under his influence and away from their lands in the provinces. They were lavishly entertained, but lost the real power they would have had as lords governing in their provincial lands.
As to the "divine right of kings" idea, that belief was summed up succinctly by Bishop Jacques-Bénigne Bossuet, who was court preacher at the royal court of Louis XIV. Bossuet said that monarchy "is sacred, it is paternal, it is absolute … the royal throne is not that of a man but the throne of God himself." The claim of kings' divine right meant their authority could not be challenged because they were put in their office by God and were to be respected as God's sovereign representatives.
the different books they used, there locations and what "god" they hailed or prayed to
Women now joined the work force and many labored infactories and plants to build weapons and machines while others were part ofthe U.S. army. Hispanics and AfricanAmericans also enlisted and some were able to work at factories. After the war, most of the jobs were given toWhite males, though many women went back to being housewives, many still wantedto be part of the workforce. Minorities were also displaced during this period.
Antitrust Law is the branch of law that is responsible for regulating trade by prohibiting illegal restrictions, price fixing and monopolies. It seeks to promote competition among existing companies in a market and the promotion of the quality of goods and services at the lowest possible price, guaranteeing an efficient market structure.
The Antitrust Law aims to promote "fair competition" among companies. It has had an important effect on business practices and the restructuring of the industrial sector in the countries where it has been adopted. Based on the premise that free trade benefits both consumers, businesses and the economy in general, the law prohibits different types of trade restrictions and the abuse of monopolization.
In 1890 the Sherman Antitrust law was established, which is considered the birth of the current antitrust policies. Subsequently, the Congress amended the law repeatedly during the fifties and thus they were adding the set of laws that make up the current Antitrust law.
B. Industries removing commodities from the market
C. Investors losing confidence in the value of stocks and pulling out of the market
D. Investors putting money in foreign markets that are in competition with U.S. markets