Compare and contrast the geocentric view of the solar system with the heliocentric view of the solar system


Answer 1
Answer: This is fairly easy. The earlier view of the solar system (geocentric) was all based on how other planets and the sun were constantly revolving the earth and we were completely stationary. The Heliocentric view has been proved to be accurate, and it is that the sun is stationary and the planets are revolving it. The similarities are that in that time, it was a continued belief that the planets were the Roman Gods, i.e. Jupiter, Neptune. Another thing is that they were correct in the Geocentric theory with the thought that the planets revolved around something.

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What is true for solar, wind, and geothermal energy?


In the question "What is true for solar, wind, and geothermal energy?" The correct answer is that they are all renewable energy.
Solar energy is energy that comes from the heat from the sun.
Wind energy is the energy that is generated from the wind.
Geothermal energy energy is the energy that comes from the heat from the earth.

Solar, wind, and geothermal energy sources are all renewable. They derive their energy from natural processes that replenish themselves over time.

What is true for solar, wind, and geothermal energy?

There are a few things that are true about solar, wind, and geothermal energy.

Renewable energy sources include solar, wind, and geothermal power. They get their energy from natural processes that grow back eventually. Solar energy comes from the sun, wind energy comes from the movement of air, and geothermal energy comes from heat inside the Earth.

They are all environmentally friendly which means that it doesn't harm the environment. Solar, wind, and geothermal energy sources are better for the environment than fossil fuels. They release very little greenhouse gases when they are being used, which helps to prevent climate change and make the air cleaner.

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4 points Two cylindrical resistors R, and R2 made from the same material are connected in parallel in a circuit. Both resistors are at the same temperature when the circuit is operational. Resistor R, has length and diameter d. Resistor R has length 8l and has a diameter d/1. Determine by what factor is the resistance R greater than R.St. your answer as an integer with no decimal place. Type your answer...


To determine the factor by which the resistance of resistor R2 is greater than resistor R1, we can use the formula for resistance of a cylindrical resistor:

R = ρ * (L/A)

Where R is the resistance, ρ is the resistivity of the material, L is the length of the resistor, and A is the cross-sectional area of the resistor.

Since both resistors are made from the same material and are at the same temperature, the resistivity ρ is the same for both resistors.

Let's calculate the resistance for R1 and R2 separately.

For resistor R1 (length = L and diameter = d), the cross-sectional area A1 is given by:

A1 = π * (d/2)^2

For resistor R2 (length = 8L and diameter = d/1), the cross-sectional area A2 is given by:

A2 = π * ((d/1)/2)^2

Simplifying the equations:

A1 = π * (d/2)^2 = π * (d^2/4)

A2 = π * ((d/1)/2)^2 = π * (d^2/4)

As we can see, both resistors have the same cross-sectional area A.

Now, let's calculate the resistance for R1 and R2:

R1 = ρ * (L/A1) = ρ * (L / (π * (d^2/4)))

R2 = ρ * (8L/A2) = ρ * (8L / (π * (d^2/4)))

Simplifying the equations further:

R1 = (4ρL) / (πd^2)

R2 = (32ρL) / (πd^2)

Now, let's find the factor by which the resistance R2 is greater than R1:

Factor = R2 / R1 = ((32ρL) / (πd^2)) / ((4ρL) / (πd^2))

Canceling out common terms:

Factor = (32ρL * πd^2) / (4ρL * πd^2)

Factor = 32 / 4

Factor = 8

Therefore, the resistance R2 is 8 times greater than the resistance R1.

The resistance of second resistor R2, is 16 times greater than the resistance of the first resistor R1.

The resistance of a cylindrical resistor is given by R = ρL/A, where ρ is the resistivity, L is the length, and A is the cross-sectional area (which is πd²/4 for a cylinder). For R1, it has length L and diameter d. For R2, it has length 8L and diameter d/1. The resistance of R2 is therefore:

R2 = ρ(8L)/(π(d/1)²/4)

By comparing R2 to R1, we find that R2 is 16 times the resistance of R1.

The resistance of second resistor R2, is 16 times greater than the resistance of the first resistor R1.

To know more about resistor, visit:


Explain what is meant by “field” and compare the properties of gravitational, electric, and magnetic forces in terms of particles affected, factors affecting the magnitude, and their relative strengths.


Field in this context refers to a region of the space to which corresponds a value.

There is a gravitational field around the earth, because a mass m placed at any point around the earth will be atracted (gravitational force) by it.

There is an electric field in a point when a charge placed there feels an electric force.

The gravitational field is proportional to the value of the mass of the object that produces it.

The electric field is proportional to the magnitude of the charge of the particle that produces it.

The gravitational field is always attractive. The electric field may be attractive or repulsive.

Both fields are proportional to the inverse of the squared distance.

The magnetic field is created when a charge is in movement,i.e a charge in movement will create a magnetid fiedl around it that will act and create a magnetic force over other charge also in movement.

The magnetic field is proportional to the product of the charge times its velocity and inversely proportional to the squared distance. The force generated my be attractive or repulsive.

The function of a capacitor in an electric circuit is to A. allow current flow between its plates.
B. store electric charges.
C. increase circuit power.
D. measure the amount of current in the circuit.


Answer: B. store electric charges.


Atoms become charged by gaining or losing _____. electrons protons neutrons



It's not neutrons because neutrons don't have a charge (they're not positive or negative). They don't make a difference in the charge of an atom.

It's not protons because atoms don't lose or gain protons. They stay in the nucleus.

Electrons, however, are not in the nucleus. They fly crazy fast around the nucleus and can sometimes get sucked in by the nucleus of another atom. Electrons are also negatively charged. Gaining electrons makes an atom negatively charged. Losing electrons makes an atom positively charged.

When light passes through an object unchanged scientists call that process


The process is "transmission" of light. The object is "transparent".
When light passes directly through an object unchanged, that object is called transparent.
Hope that helped =)