To build good credit one should pay bills on time, keep low credit utilization, diversify credit, avoid excessive applications, monitor reports, establish a long credit history and communicate with creditors.
Pay your bills on time, maintain a low credit utilization rate, diversify your credit products, refrain from making too many credit card applications and keep an eye on your credit reports in order to establish a good credit history. Make sure your credit history is extensive, keep in touch with your creditors when facing financial difficulties and practice sound money management.
A good credit history can be built and maintained by consistently exhibiting responsible credit behavior such as on time payments and responsible credit usage. A higher credit score and easier access to credit opportunities with favorable terms can result from this. Regular credit report monitoring makes it easier to spot and quickly fix any mistakes or discrepancies. A patient disciplined and proactive approach to managing one's financial obligations are necessary to establish a solid credit history.
learn more about credit history here
Get a Social Security Number if you do not already have one
B. higher prices and fewer goods.
C. lower prices and more goods.
D. higher prices and more goods.
Free trade.
This theoretical policy can be explained to be certain laws under which the government is seen to impose absolutely no tariffs, taxes, or duties on imports, or quotas on exports. Therefore, it is directly seen to be the opposite of protectionism, a defensive trade policy intended to eliminate the possibility of foreign competition. It is seen in terms of unrestricted measures in importation and also exportation of goods in and out of a country.
In the world of our own, which is of the recent times, this policy implementation is done by means of a formal and mutual agreement of the nations which are seen to be involved. Also this policy in some cases may simply be the absence of any trade restrictions.
b). one agent secures benefits that others pay for.
The free-rider problem is described as the problem when some individuals consume or take the benefit of a resource without paying for it. in this problem, one agent is being benefitted from the resources that the others are paying for. This creates a load on a shared resource and eventually causes market failure. In order to cope with this problem, the organizations must ensure a fair distribution of resources and their benefits as per the payment made by the agents. Therefore, option B is the correct answer.
Operations can help a business sustain their competitive advantage by reducing its cost without considering the way they are reduced.
First of all, to create a business competitive advantage the business has to be more profitable than its competition. In other words, they need to make money in a more effective way than its competitors. This means that they have more margin of profit, instead of selling more. Now, in operations, this works the same. However, the reasons might come from different sources. Whether by having technology more advanced than its competitors. By having more productive processes, or by using materials bought at cheaper prices.