Financial markets primarily allow consumers to better time their purchases in situations where they can invest or save money over time to meet future expenses or goals. The situations in which financial markets are most relevant for timing purchases are:
A. Paying for tuition: Financial markets can help consumers save and invest for educational expenses, allowing them to better time their tuition payments.
D. Purchasing a car or furniture: Consumers can use financial markets to save and invest for major purchases like cars or furniture, which can help them time these acquisitions to align with their financial goals.
In both of these situations, financial markets enable individuals to accumulate and grow their funds over time, making it easier to cover significant expenses when needed.
On the other hand, for everyday expenses like groceries (B) or immediate unexpected expenses like repairing a flooded basement (C), the timing of purchases is less influenced by financial markets since these expenses typically require more immediate payments and don't involve long-term savings or investments.
Second-generation students. On Apex.
Owners' equity.
Contra receivables.
b. Diesel.
c. Ethanol.
d. Gasoline
Explanation: Volumetric energy density is the calculation of how much energy is contained in a system compared to its volume expressed in Megajoules per liter.
Listed below are transport fuels from lowest to highest:
1. Compressed natural gas - 9MJ/L
2. Ethanol - 24MJ/L
3. Gasoline - 34.2 MJ/L
4. Diesel - 38MJ/L
"Carry Trade", is the right answer.
Laura is engaged in "Carry Trade" because the carry trade refers to the process to borrow from the country where the interest rate is lower and deposit the borrowed money in other countries in which the person earns more interest. Therefore, the process for borrowings and deposits from low and high-interest rates respectively is called the carry trade.
b. credit rating of the issuer
c. interest rate paid
d. current yield