True. Cartoonists and artists frequently create illustrations using traditional pen and ink techniques, and then they can scan these drawings for digital import. This process allows them to have a digital version of their artwork, which can be further edited, colored, and used in various digital media or publications. Scanning the artwork preserves the hand-drawn quality while making it versatile for different applications.
Out of the listed libraries, Caffe is primarily designed for machine vision due to its speed and specific tools for image classification and convolutional models.
The library out of the ones you mentioned that is mainly designed for machine vision is Caffe. Advanced machine vision requires speedy computations and Caffe, being a deep learning library, provides this speed. It's developed by the Berkeley Vision and Learning Center (BVLC) and is specifically geared towards image classification and convolutional models, which are key components of machine vision.
While other libraries like Torch, Theano, and Deeplearning4j also offer solutions for machine learning and deep learning computations, they are not as specialized as Caffe in handling tasks related specifically to machine vision.
Answer: wikimedia Commons is your answer
B. Technology changes so rapidly that something newer is always present.
C. There are too many types of technology to keep track of.
D. People above the age of thirty-five see technology as unnatural.