Which best describes the colonists’ view of their relationship with the British government?


Answer 1
Answer: Colonists were very dissatisfied with their relationship with the British government. One of the major issues was that Britain's wars usually transferred to the colonies and the second biggest issue being that decisions were being made about the colonies in the British Parliament without any representatives of the colonies.
Answer 2




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idk if this is right but this is what i got " I says to myself, they'll follow the track of that sackful of rocks to the shore and then drag the river for me. And they'll follow that meal track to the lake and go browsing down the creek that leads out of it to find the robbers that killed me and took the things. They won't even hunt the river for anything but my dead carcass . They'll soon get tired of that, and won't bother no more about me".

Essay on role of children in nation building​



Building a great nation requires the effort from all its citizens, and that includes the children. It is the responsibility of the adults to ensure that our children have the education and guidance they need to grow into adults who take the nation's future into their hands.

Children are the future of the nation. They will be the ones to lead the nation into the future. We need to nurture them and give them the tools they need to make the world a better place. This means providing education and guidance that encourages creativity and critical thinking. It means enabling them to participate in the decision-making processes of their communities. It means giving them the opportunity to develop leadership skills and helping them to understand the complexities of living in a diverse society.

Children should be encouraged to use their imagination and be involved in the nation's decision-making processes. They should be given the opportunity to contribute to the nation's growth. For instance, they can get involved in the local government and participate in the public consultations and policy debates. They can initiate projects to solve local problems, and they can be part of the nation-wide effort to build a brighter future for everyone.

Further, children need to be taught about environmental sustainability and the importance of preserving natural resources. They should be made aware of the need to recycle and conserve energy and water. They need to understand the consequences of climate change, and how they can be part of the solution.

By giving children the education and tools they need, we can ensure that the next generation will be well-prepared to take the nation into the bright future that awaits us. As adults, we must promote and foster a culture of inclusion and respect so that our children understand the importance of working together and treating each other with dignity. We need to focus on creating an environment where every child feels safe and valued and, in turn, can use their skills and talents to benefit the nation. With their help, we can create a better future for the children of today, tomorrow, and generations to follow.

Difference between Qin dynasty and rana regima​



The answer is below


There are differences between the Qin dynasty and the Rana regime or dynasty. Some of which includes

1. Qin dynasty is the first dynasty in China and it lasted between 221 to 206 BCE. Rana dynasty was a dynasty in the Kingdom of Nepal and it lasted between 1846 to 1951

2. Qin dynasty was famous for the achievement of the Great Wall and a large army of Terracotta Warriors.

While Rana of Regime was famous for the massive production of raw materials exported from Nepal in huge quantities. These raw materials were sent abroad in trading activities in Europe through the seaport.

Read the sentence.Jason bought _____ a ticket to the game tomorrow night.

Which reflexive pronoun agrees with the underlined antecedent?



The correct answer is himself. Jason bought himself a ticket to the game tomorrow. The antecedent of the pronoun "himself" is "Jason". "Himself" is called a reflexive pronoun. Reflexive pronouns are used to refer back to the subject of the sentence to avoid repetition. These pronouns usually ends in -self or -selves.




Which adjectives used to describe a person begin with the letter R?


realistic, raging real and thats all i can think of

Should convicted Felons who have served their sentence be allowed to vote? Explain why or why not?


Yes; they are still citizens. They are still entitled to vote. The Constitution says so. 
Other Questions
Read the excerpt from "Save the Coral Reefs.”A study completed in 2004 found that seventy percent of our coral reefs are already destroyed or currently under threat of destruction. It also concluded that much of the wreckage to reefs has been caused by humans. The resiliency of the reefs is on our side, though. More can be done now to help the coral reefs bounce back—even flourish. What is meaning of the word "resiliency” in this context? the way an ecosystem supports plant and animal life the manner in which an ecosystem decomposes the ability of an ecosystem to recover from damage the capability of one ecosystem to ruin another ecosystem What is the author’s purpose in "Save the Coral Reefs”? Check all that apply. to convince readers that practices that destroy coral reefs must be stopped to entertain readers with a dramatic tale about the destruction of coral reefs to inform readers about how the coral reefs are being destroyed to inform readers about which fishing companies damage the coral reefs the most to persuade readers to try scuba diving before the coral reefs are destroyed Read the excerpt from "GM Food: Fuel for Our Future.” Also, crops can be genetically engineered to be more nutritious. Golden rice, for example, has been altered to have more vitamin A than spinach. This is important because according to Scientific American, "Vitamin A deficiency causes more than one million deaths annually and half a million cases of irreversible blindness in the developing world.” Golden rice alone could help save millions of lives and prevent blindness. Overall, our growing world desperately needs GM food to survive. The food these crops produce costs less and is safer and more nutritious than anything you could get from a traditional crop. As you can see, the benefits of GM food outweigh the far-fetched, unsubstantiated risks that critics have put forth. Which phrases from the excerpt support the author’s argument that genetically modified food is safe? Check all that apply. more vitamin A you can see could help save traditional crop unsubstantiated risks more nutritious