Average of number is equal to sum of numbers by total no.
Now when numbers/amounts are fraction then there is one extra step which is to add the fractions.
Lets say we have to find average of 2 fractions i.e.,
Step 1 : First to add the fractions find the LCM of denominator as There are unlike fractions
3 = 1 × 3
4 = 1 × 4
LCM of 3 and 4 = 3 × 4 = 12
Step 2: To make them like fraction we find equivalent fraction of each fraction whose denominator equal to 12
Step 3: Adding both fractions
Step 4: put these value in average formula
Step 5: Now we divideby 2 using fraction division .i.e., multiply the reciprocal of divisor with dividend
here 2 is divisor
Reciprocal =
Following these steps Average of fractional amount of any no can be found.
245 yards
Step-by-step explanation:
You could say the tee is at (0, 0) and the hole lies on the x-axis.
The path of the ball is the straight-line so, y = tan(24°)x
215cos(24°) = 196.4
215sin(24°) = 87.4
The ball lands at coordinates (196.4, 87.4).
They say the ball lands 100 yards from the hole, the hole is on a circle of radius 100 that is centered at (196.4, 87.4).
Equation of the circle:
(x-196.4)² + (y-87.4)² = 100²
Since the hole is on the x-axis, it lies at the intersection of the circle and the line y = 0 so:
(x - 196.4)² + (0 - 87.4)² = 100²
x = 244.92
The distance between tee and hole is 245 yards.
245 yards
Step-by-step explanation:
how many times as long as Tracy's race is a marathon.
Step-by-step explanation: