Which action will the government take when it needs more money


Answer 1
Answer: Hey there! 

Answer: Increase taxes  

The government will increase taxes when it needs more money. Taxes are mandatory payments which must be sent to the government. 

Thank you!
Answer 2


Answer: Increase taxes  

The government will increase taxes when it needs more money. Taxes are mandatory payments which must be sent to the government.


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All communications and conversations should be kept confidential and should not be discussed in the personal and business situations of others in public. To keep the secrets of others and do not reveal them even in front of someone nearest to you, is actually Ethical communication.

The principles of Ethical Communication are:





Honesty and Accuracy are the two most important principles of Ethical Communication in my opinion.

When you are communicating with someone, you must be honest in what you are saying, and if you are quoting someone or delivering someone else message, you must be accurate enough to deliver the right and honest message to the receiver.

These two principles are important because if these two principles are not adopted in ethical communication, there will be no point remaining in them. Honesty and accuracy will make the communication Ethical.

To know more about ethical communication, refer to the link below:



When you are honest in all communications and conversations, you keep the confidential information, confidential!, and do not discuss the personal and business situations of others in public, and you keep the secrets of others and do not reveal it even in front of someone nearest to you, you are actually doing the Ethical communication.

There are many principles of Ethical Communication like Honesty, Truthfulness, Accuracy, Integrity, etc. Honesty and Accuracy are two most important principles of Ethical Communication in my opinion. When you are communicating with someone, you must be honest in what you are saying, and if you are quoting someone or delivery someone else message, you must be accurate enough to deliver the right and honest message to the receiver. I feel that these two principles are important because if these two principles are not adopted in ethical communication, there will be no point remained in it. Honesty and accuracy will make the communication Ethical.

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Answer: it would have strengthened the colonies and it would have made the government.

This would also raised\make the defense on the colonies raise.

Because of the raised money front eh taxes to buy weapons


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is called a


the movement of wet soil and rocks down a slope is called a mudslide
The answer of your question is mudslide