In Ebbinghhaus's retention curve:a. the greatest savings occurred with short delays between learning and relearning.
b. most forgetting occurred when relearning took place after about 150 hours.
c. forgetting occurred very gradually over several days.
d. the greatest savings occurred when relearning took place after about 100 hours.


Answer 1
Answer: Answer is A. the greatest savings occurred with short delays between learning and relearning

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Pluralism refers to the majority which may be a majority of the people of a particular political party or other groups that are many in numbers.

Usually in politics those organisations which have major number of votes will have a major voice in what is done or not done in that state and if other majority parties agree with that the minority voice is never taken into consideration.

The minor religious groups, and the few who may not agree to certain laws and legislations or regulations have their opinion rejected and the majority groups are said to rule over minority groups .



Got it right on the quiz.

The video tells the story of a woman who decided to start a new type of business rather than a business similar to others in her community. Her success as a mushroom producer benefited her family, her community, the other mushroom farmers she eventually trained and many others. This is an example of



The invisible hand


The invisible hand  -

This metaphor or the concept was very first given by Adam Smith , in his work , The Theory of Moral Sentiments .  

It refers to the invisible forces which changes the market economy , is referred to as the invisible hand.

The exchange of the services and goods are very important and are very difficult to bring into the market .

Hence , from the given scenario of the question,

The correct term is the invisible hands.

These nosologies removed the distinction between organically based disorders and psychologically based disorders present in preceding editions.



"DSM-lV and DSM-lV-TR" nosologies removed the distinction between organically based disorders and psychologically based disorders present in preceding editions.


DSM IV denotes the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, fourth edition, text revision. It is handbook which is being used by the physicians in the Unites States and also over the worldwide as the authoritative guide in case of the diagnosis of the mental disorder. It also has the descriptions about the signs and symptoms of diseases with standards of mental disorders. This manual is published by American psychiatric Association(APA), in this book it has all the possible ways of mental disorder treatment.

Final answer:

Nosologies are systems for classifying diseases. The mentioned ones have removed distinctions between physically and psychologically based disorders, reflecting an understanding that these categories often intersect, as physical conditions can have psychological aspects and vice versa.


The question is talking about nosologies, which refer to systems for classifying diseases. The text is saying that these nosologies removed the distinction that had been made in previous editions between disorders that had a physical or organic basis, like a brain tumor or genetic disorder and those that had a psychological basis, like depression or anxiety disorders. By doing this, the nosologies are reflecting an understanding in medicine that these two categories are not necessarily distinct. Any health issue can have both physical/biological and psychological aspects. For instance, stress (a psychological factor) can lead to high blood pressure (a physical condition).

Learn more about Nosologies here:


Why do the behavior of males and females different


Girls Mature quicker than Males and they act and think different so there behavior  is more mature than males. 
testosterone as male have more they are more prone to aggressive outburst

Describe the major contribution of Dalton's atomic theory to the understanding of atomic structure. A) Electrons can only be located in circular, concentric shells. B) Chemical elements are made up of identical units called atoms. C) Discovery of the existence, location, and charge of the nucleus. D) The determination of the identity of the three subatomic particles.


John Dalton (1766 - 1844) was an English chemist who is primarily known for his atomic theory, which although it is about two centuries old and has progressed in the meantime, is still valid. According to his theory, all elements, matter, are made of atoms, and that all atoms in the given element have the same mass and property, while the compounds are formed from several different types of atoms, where the chemical reaction of two or more elements represents the rearrangement of atoms.

The answer is: B)

1 all atoms are indivisible and indestructible

According to the text, the most common reasons for false convictions include all of the following except: a. inaccurate eyewitness identifications. b. inaccurate reporting in the media. c. false confessions. d. mishandled evidence.


Answer: option b

Explanation: wrongful conviction are different ways people are sent to prison for crimes they did not commit. Common wrongful convictions are having a bad lawyer who is not good at his or her job, identification of a wrong witness ( misindentification of witness, Tampered evidence,false confession excetera. Inaccurate reporting in media is not a part of reasons for wrongful convictions.

Answer: inaccurate reporting in the media

Explanation: False conviction simply refers to an untrue judgement that is been executed to an individual. This in turn causes the individual to be punished for a crime they didn't commit. It is also known as the miscarriage of justice. Of all the given, only inaccurate reporting in the media cannot be a reason for false conviction. This is because in deciding a case, the media does not influence the decision of the jury and the judge. But inaccurate eyewitness identifications, false confessions, mishandled evidence can all influence the decision of the jury.