An adult toucan and a bee El tucán es grande, weighing 2 pounds and measuring 25 inches long.
Grande - Big
Based on the image, the toucan is bigger than the bee. So the correct answer would be grande.
¿Que pasa? is how you say "What up?"
Como dirias que tal tu amiga en el pasillo (feminine)
Como dirias que tal tu amigo en el pasillo (masculine)
Your answer
Un médico o una enfermera pueden escuchar su presión arterial colocando un estetoscopio en su arteria y bombeando un brazalete colocado alrededor de su brazo. La presión arterial se lee en un medidor especial llamado esfigmomanómetro.
espero que esto ayude!
Por favor hazme lo más inteligente, eso es si quieres.
objects are kept there. Where are they from? Who made them?
I've visited the Museum of Anthropology in Comayagua Honduras, and I've found anthropology pieces, but in this case, Maya pieces, these pieces were found it, in a river when they were doing a dam, even from some anthropology areas in Honduras.
There were colonial age pieces, like beds, dresses, and decorations, they get this pieces in the same city because Comayagua, was a colonial city. We could find the same pieces in both museums, but with different cultures and histories.