What does ¿Cuál es la fecha de hoy? mean and how would you answer?


Answer 1

1. The meaning of ¿Cuál es la fecha de hoy?

In English, this means What is today's date? so, when telling the date in present, we use the verb ser whose conjugation in this case is es as indicated in the question, so the formula is:

¿Cuál + es - conjugation of the verb ser  + la fecha de hoy?

2. How would we answer?

We must answer this question using the following formula:

Hoy + es - conjugation of the verb ser + day plus month and year

Therefore, this is as follows:

- ¿Cuál es la fecha de hoy?

- Hoy es 3 de Octubre del 2018

Answer 2
Answer: ¿Cual es la fecha de hoy? - What is today's date?

To answer it, say, "La fecha de hoy 9 de marzo."
Which means, "Today's date is March 9."

Hope this helped!

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