The pigment which determines skin color is .


Answer 1
Answer: The pigment which determines skin color is Melanin
Answer 2
Answer: melanin , as far as I know 

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The lattice structure of Lithium Fluoride (LiF) is comprised of positively charged lithium ions (Li+) and negatively charged fluoride ions (F-) that a linked together by ionic bonds.

The crystal structure of LiF corresponds to that of a face centered cubic (FCC) lattice with Li+ and F- ions occupying the lattice points in the unit cell.



An ionic bond is produced between metallic and non-metallic atoms, where electrons are completely transferred from one atom to another. During this process, one atom loses electrons and another one gains them, forming ions. Usually, the metal gives up its electrons forming a cation to the nonmetal element, which forms an anion.

Lithium fluoride is a chemical compound formed through a chemical bond of formula LiF. The electronic configuration of Li is 1s12s1 and that of fluorine is 1s12s22p5. When these atoms come into contact, the 2s1 valence electron of the lithium is transferred to the F atom.

Ionic solids can crystallize in various types of networks, depending on the size of the ions that form it and the charge they possess.

The solid NaCl has a crystalline structure, in which each Na + ion is surrounded by six chloride ions in an octahedral geometry. Therefore, it has a coordination (6: 6) whose numbers indicate how many neighbors surround each ion. The number on the right indicates the neighbors of Na +, while the one on the left, those of Cl–. The structure is based on a compact cubic packing (centered on the faces) of the anions and in which the cations occupy all the octahedral holes. The structure can also be seen as a compact cation packing structure with the anions occupying the octahedral holes. In each unit cell ions of one type occupy the vertices and centers of the faces of the cube while those of the opposite sign are located in the centers of the edges and in the center of the cube.

Calculate the percentage of iron in iron (III) sulphate



28.01 percent


Iron (III) sulphate, Fe_2(SO_4)_3, has 2 atoms of Fe.

One atom of Fe has a molar weight of 56. Hence, 2 atoms of Fe would have a total molar weight of 56 x 2 = 112 g/mol

Molar weight of  Fe_2(SO_4)_3 = 399.88 g/mol

Percentage Fe in Fe_2(SO_4)_3 = 112/399.88 x 100%

                       = 28.01%

The percentage of iron is iron (III) sulphate is, therefore, 28.01 percent.

Which of the following elements has the greatest atomic radius?A. potassium (K)
B. arsenic (As)
C. bromine (Br)
D. calcium (Ca)



A. Potassium (K)


The trend of atomic radius goes:

As group number increases, radius decreases

As period number increases, radius increases




Atomic radii vary in a predictable way across the periodic table. As can be seen in the figures below, the atomic radius increases from top to bottom in a group, and decreases from left to right across a period. Thus, helium is the smallest element, and francium is the largest.

A balance is used to determine: my answer is a weight mass gravity


Answer: A balance is used to determine accurate mass of substances.

Explanation: Electronic balance is used to measure the small to large mass of substance from miligrams to grams to kilograms according to their features. Differnt different Electronic balances are used on the basis of amount to be measure.

In pharmaceuticals , other laboratories , schools , colleges mainly electronic balance is used , as it measure accurate weight of the substances.

a balance is used to determine Mass

Which of the following processes are exothermic and which are endothermic? a) frost forms on a car window in winter; b) water condenses on a glass of ice water on a humid summer afternoon; c) adding ammonium nitrate to water causes the temperature of the solution to decrease


Endothermic reactions are reactions that proceed by the absorption of heat (energy) while exothermic reactions involve a release of energy.

a) Formation of frost on a car window in winter is an exothermic process as heat is liberated when liquid water freezes to form crystals

b) Formation of water condensate on a glass of ice water is an endothermic reaction since heat is absorbed by the cold water from the glass container thereby cooling it.

c) A decrease in the temperature as ammonium nitrate is added to water is an endothermic reaction

a) and b) are exothermic processes because they release heat to the surroundings. c) is an endothermic process because it absorbs heat from the surroundings.

Which of the following processes are exothermic and which are endothermic?

Let's analyze each option:

a) Frost forms on a car window in winter: Exothermic

Frost forming is an exothermic process because it releases heat as water vapor in the air condenses and freezes on the cold car window, giving off energy in the form of heat to the surroundings.

b) Water condenses on a glass of ice water on a humid summer afternoon: Exothermic

Similar to the first scenario, water condensation is exothermic. As water vapor from the humid air comes into contact with the cold glass of ice water, it condenses into liquid water, releasing heat to the surroundings.

c) Adding ammonium nitrate to water causes the temperature of the solution to decrease: Endothermic

This process is endothermic because dissolving ammonium nitrate in water absorbs heat from the surroundings, causing the temperature of the solution to decrease.

Learn more about exothermic and endothermic processes:


Which equation represents sublimation?(1) I2(s) ==> I2(g) (3) I2(l)==>I2(g)
(2) I2(s) ==>I2(l) (4) I2(l)==>I2(s)


Answer : The correct options is, (1) I_2(s)\rightarrow I_2(g)


(1) I_2(s)\rightarrow I_2(g) :

This reaction shows sublimation process in which the phase changes from solid state to gaseous state at constant temperature.

(2) I_2(l)\rightarrow I_2(g) :

This reaction shows evaporation process in which the phase changes from liquid state to gaseous state at constant temperature.

(3) I_2(s)\rightarrow I_2(l) :

This reaction shows melting process in which the phase changes from solid state to liquid state at constant temperature.

(4) I_2(l)\rightarrow I_2(s) :

This reaction shows freezing process in which the phase changes from liquid state to solid state at constant temperature.

Hence, from this we conclude that the option (1) equation represents sublimation process.

The answer is (1). The definition of sublimation is the change of solid substance directly to gas. In the equation, the "s" stands for solid. The "l" stands for liquid. And the "g" stands for gas.