Answer: The highest rent I should pay for rent is $896.
In order to answer this question, we need to assume that rent is the only expense I will incur for housing.
Given this assumption, the maximum we need to spend on housing will be 28% of our take home pay.
So, maximum rent will be:
job qualifications.
job salaries.
health benefits.
b. governments
c. businesses
d. employees
Per-unit production costs would decrease.
Real domestic output in an economy is 2400 units.
The quantity of inputs is 60, and the price of each input is $30.
Total cost of producing 2400 units
= 1,800
Per unit cost of producing 2400 units
= 0.75
Total cost of producing 3000 units
= 1,800
Per unit cost of producing 3000 units
= 0.6
If productivity increased such that 3000 units are now produced with the quantity of inputs still equal to 60, per unit production cost will decrease.