What is the central idea of stopping by the woods on a snowy evening? Whoever answers correctly, and first, I will mark brainlyist​


Answer 1


calm and serene or dark and depressing


Answer 2


C: while a long journey to take care of business, a man stops by snow, we would to give his horse a rest.


It could be this context, because stopping by the woods on a snowy evening is due to some important situation, and letting the horse rest is crucial, because you don't want it to die.

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Hi There!

Why were Will Clark's parents uncertain about letting Will go to George Coleman's tavern that morning in 1779? A. Will had a history of disobeying orforgetting what his parents told him to do. B. Will was quite small for his age, and his parents didn't know if he was strong enough. C. Will was just nine years old, and what he was to do was dangerous. D. Will had only met George Coleman once before, and Coleman had been mean to him.

Answer: Will had horses for the Continental Army to deliver to Mr. Coleman.

Why does Odysseus choose to go on Scylla's side of the strait?


The strait is narrow and so Odysseus has to pass by either Scylla or Charybdis. Circe tells Odysseus that Charybdis is far more dangerous, as 3 times a day it sucks in all the waters around it. This would completely suck in Odysseus and his ship if he is sailing too close to Charybdis. Circe advises Odysseus to go to Scylla's side of the strait, for despite the danger of the monster, it is preferable to lose a half-dozen men than the whole ship.

Final answer:

Odysseus chooses to navigate the side of the strait where Scylla resides to minimize potential loss. He knows Scylla will take six of his men whereas Charybdis could result in a complete loss of his crew.


In Homer's epic, The Odyssey, Odysseus chooses to go on Scylla's side of the strait because he prefers to face a known danger that will definitely take a small number of his men (Scylla), rather than risk the uncertainty and potential complete loss of his crew that facing Charybdis may result in. Scylla, a six-headed monster, is guaranteed to take six of Odysseus's men, while Charybdis, a deadly whirlpool, could potentially sink his entire ship. Thus, the decision is strategic, aiming to minimize the potential loss.

Learn more about Odysseus and Scylla here:



How does literal meaning of a word relate to poetry?



The literal meaning of the words help you analyze the poem, and determine the narrator. It is not related to poetry because it proves to be useless to analyze a poem.


Six out of the 12 members of the school choir are boys. In simplest form,what fraction of the choir is boys


1/2 choir members are boys

Select the abbreviation that tells how the italicized noun clause is used.S-subject, DO-direct object, SC-subject complement, OP-object of preposition

What I had been hoping for was a scholarship.





Noun clause is a kind of clause that can function as subject, object, or object of preposition in a sentence. It starts with connectors such as what, where, how, why, who, when, if, whether, that….

In this sentence, ‘what I had been hoping for’ is a noun clause which acts as the subject of the verb ‘was’.  


- S - Subject.


A noun clause is elucidated as the cluster of words functioning as a noun in the sentence. These clauses can function multi-purposely as subjects, indirect or direct objects, subject compliment, etc. and are usually subordinate as they begin with relative pronouns like 'when, whom, which, etc. or its expanded forms like whichever, whatever, whomsoever, etc.

In the given sentence, the noun clause 'What I had been hoping for' is functioning as a subject as it is acting upon the verb('was') in the sentence. However, the clause is dependent on the latter part(predicate) of the sentence to accomplish its meaning yet it demonstrates the key idea(subject) that is being discussed in the sentence.

Select the correct answer.Which scenario provides an example of dramatic irony?

Two characters wearing masks at a costume party meet, have a brief conversation, and go their separate ways. Each believes that the other is a stranger, but the reader knows that they’re good friends.
One character is riding her bike to school when she sees a friend. She speeds up on her bike, zips past him, and then screeches to a stop in front of him. “Going my way?” she asks.
Two characters, a teenage boy and his little sister, are at the shopping mall waiting for their grandmother to come out of a shoe store. The boy turns to his sister and says, “I bet Grandma already has a thousand pairs of shoes at home.”
One character reveals to the reader that she has a secret wish to visit Paris, France, someday. Another character, her friend, reveals to the reader that she loves the food at French restaurants.


Dramatic Irony is when the audience knows something's going to happen, but the characters in the story don't.

The only possible answer could be Option A. The audience knows that these two characters are good friends, but the characters in the story think that they're strangers.

Good luck! If you have any more questions, just ask :))



A because the rest could most likely be sarcasm.
