Long story short my friend manipulated me to the point where I was broken. She was toxic, fake, self-centered, and a narcissist. But, when I asked her about it I told her I read some articles about how to know if you are being manipulated and everything and what she said and did was all in that article.. but she told me “thanks you for telling me I’m sorry I ruined your life” “I never knew any of this and I’m not being sarcastic” and I don’t know what I did wrong. Someone help me... am I falling for her trap? Bc now I’m so weak I can’t to anything. I even cut my arms last night...


Answer 1

sometimes people genuenly dont know theyre toxic, but even if they dont you still shouldnt go back to them until they get help and figure out their problems, or she could be trying to manipulate you further. either way, i think you should stay away as best you can and talk to someone about your problems. how youre dealing with what youre going through isnt healthy and you should seek help, although i understand it is hard, beliebe me i do, you just need to talk to someone, anyone at all in your life and try to turn your life around. i hope things turn out well for u :)

Answer 2

Answer: you should never assume anything. I’m sorry you have to go through this. Please don’t self harm. It really doesn’t solve problems. In fact it makes everything worse. I understand how self harming yourself feels good because it numbs the pain. I’ve been there. We all have. But what I would do is take a breather. Take some time for yourself. If you are questioning the friendship between your friend and you feel as if it’s better to not be near her/him then do the right thing and explain that you can’t be friends with them. Don’t use an article as an excuse why you don’t want to be friends with them. Use your feelings and explain how they really have hurt you. Whatever they say after doesn’t matter. Because that’s how they’re going to react. Overall, if you think ending the friendship with them is the BEST for you then do so. Please don’t cut yourself. It’s not worth doing. You’re amazing and worthy. Thank you for reaching out ❤️ It takes a lot of guts to do that.

Explanation: (I say all this from my own experience. I love you, please be safe!)

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