A speckled coat of a young deer helps it to survive by serving as a camouflage in avoiding predators. A fawn is born with white spots which allows them to blend with their surroundings whenever harm is near. Fawns are easy target for bigger animals so it gives them hiding advantage.
answer is c
B. motor neuron -> interneuron -> sensory neuron
C. interneuron -> sensory neuron -> motor neuron
D. None of these
Answer:sensory nuerone to internuerone to motor neurones
The sensory nuerone usually receive inputs from the receptors cells in the skin,organs,and other parts of the body.
These receptors send signals as action potential to the spinal cord to the brain.(CNS).
Synapse take place at the synaptic junctions, in the spinal cord with the internuerone.
The latter transmit the action potential to the motor neuron which synapse with the internuerone and transmita signal to the neuromuscular junction where it synapse with the muscels at the toe.
The action potentials causes influx of calcium ions and the relase of acetylcholine neurotransmitters for action potential to reach the toe muscles (effector)for contraction
The correct answer would be D. a visual image of a chromosomal defect.
Karyotype is defined as a visual display of the number and appearance of all the chromosome present in the cell.
It is used to detect any chromosomal abnormality such as a change in chromosome number, change in chromosome set, malformed chromosome et cetera.
In contrast, a pedigree chart is a diagrammatic representation of phenotype or appearance of a particular gene in a number of generations.
it shows the family history of the genetic disorder, risk of that disorder in an offspring, et cetera.
Polymerase chain reaction is a method widely used to rapidly make millions to billions of copies of a specific DNA sample, allowing scientists to take a very small sample of DNA and amplify it to a large enough amount to study in detail.
that's the answer