An important environmental debate in the United States in 1900 was


Answer 1
Answer: whether to use wilderness resources
Answer 2
Answer: Preserving natural areas in the United States was major debate at the turn of the century. Theodore Roosevelt was the major leader in preserving wilderness and was essential in creating the natural parks. While other politicians wanted to cut down trees to build cities and factories, naturalists wanted to save the natural beauty of the United States.

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In the years following World War II, the United States established a policy of containment to A. keep the countries of Eastern Europe from becoming communist.

B. ensure that communism was contained to the Soviet Union only.

C. eliminate all communist governments throughout the world.

D. prevent the spread of communism outside of Eastern Europe.


The correct answer here is the last option.

The containment plan was a strategy of the United States of America in order to stop the spread of communism.They did this not by actively fighting wars but mainly through the economic help to the countries they thought were in danger of falling to communism. They would also supply arms to those countries. 
D. Prevent the spread of Communism outside of Eastern Europe
The policy of containment actually led to the United States entrance of the Korean War and the Vietnam War because we were dead set on not letting Communism spread Anywhere.

What did the american indians that lived in the west do


The american indians that lived in the west do fished, hunted and gathered for sustenance.

What did the american indians that lived in the west do?

  • Most Western indigenous people fished, hunted and gathered for sustenance. Along the Colorado River, Native Americans gathered a variety of wild food and planted some tobacco.
  • Acorns were a pivotal part of the Californian diet. Women would gather and process acorns.

The american indians that lived in the west do fished, hunted and gathered for sustenance.

To learn more about What did the american indians that lived in the west do



The American nation began to expand west during the middle 1800s. People settled in the great open areas of the Dakotas, Utah, Wyoming, and California. The movement forced the nation to deal with great tribes of native American Indians. The Indians had lived in the western territories for hundreds of years.

Settlers and cattle ranchers pushed the Indians out of their homelands. The result was a series of wars between the tribes and the federal government.

I'm Sarah Long. Today, Steve Ember and I tell this story.

At first, the United States government had just one policy to deal with the Indians. It was brutal. Whenever white men wanted Indian land, the tribes were pushed farther west. If the Indians protested, or tried to defend their land, they were destroyed with crushing force.

By the middle 1800s, almost all the eastern Indians had been moved west of the Mississippi River. They were given land in Indian territory in what is now the state of Oklahoma. The government described these Indians as "civilized."  This meant they were too weak to cause more trouble. Many agreed to follow the ways of the white men.

The Indians of the western grasslands were different. They refused to give up their way of life. These plains Indians were always on the move, because they hunted buffalo -- the American bison. They followed great groups of the animals across the grassy plains. At that time, there were millions of these animals in the American west.

The Indians of the plains depended on the buffalo for almost everything they needed. Many of them were fierce fighters. The plains Indians did not want white men crossing their hunting lands. They often tried to destroy the wagon trains carrying settlers to California and Oregon.

The United States army was given the job of keeping peace.  Soldiers were sent to build roads and forts in the western plains. They tried to protect the wagon trains from Indian attacks. They tried to keep white settlers from invading Indian lands. There were many fights between the soldiers and the plains Indians. The soldiers had more powerful weapons. They usually won.

Some plains Indians tried to live peacefully with the white men. One such group was part of the Sioux tribe, called Santee Sioux. It was the largest and most powerful group in the west.

The Santee Sioux lived along the northeastern edge of the great plains in what is now the state of Minnesota. They signed treaties with the government giving up ninety percent of their land. The Santee agreed to live in a small area.  In exchange, the United States agreed to make yearly payments to the tribe. This made it possible for the Indians to buy food and other things from white traders.

Trouble started, however, in the summer of 1862. The government was late giving the Indians their yearly payment.  As a result, the Indians lacked the money to buy food. The white traders refused to give the Indians credit to buy food. One trader said: "If they are hungry, let them eat grass."

The Indians were hungry. Soon, their hunger turned to anger. Finally, the local Indian chief called his men together. He gave the orders for war.

cause (Korean war) ---> effect ( ??? ) which of the following BEST completes the diagram? A The Korean peninsula became free of all communist control. B The united states withdrew all troops from north south korea C The united states halted communist expansion on the korean peninsula D the diplomatic relationship between the united states and north korea improved


B. The United states drew all troops out of north Korea. The laterally ended as a stalemate with no land gained or lost on either side. The original border still remains to this day.

What role did U.S. security forces play in Vietnam during the Kennedy administration?a. Military advisers supported the South Vietnamese army.
b. The CIA plotted to undermine the Diem government.


The role that the U.S. security forces played in Vietnam during the Kennedy administration was military advisers supported the South Vietnamese army. The correct answer is A. 


A. Military advisers supported the South Vietnamese army.


In what year did Abraham Lincoln formally issue the Emancipation Proclamation?a. 1861
b. 1862
c. 1863
d. 1865


The answer is letter c. 1863.  It was an important event in the Civil Warbecause it was an important stage in putting an end to slavery.  During this period, Lincoln policies noshifted to outlawing slavery both in the North and South.  There were reasons why it took time for themto formally issue this Proclamation.  Ifit was issued prematurely, it might cause some of the states who had slaves butwere still part of the Union.  Apart fromthat, they needed a military victory before it was proclaimed.

The answer is c 1863

The 15th Amendment, which granted African Americans the right to vote, was passed on which date?


The 15th amendment was passed on February 3, 1870 however African American couldn't vote until 1965


if your looking for the answer on edge and it takes you here it is
