a monk who defended the use of icons
a translator of the Bible into modern Russian
a chief advisor to Emperor Constantine
John Of Damascus, was a writer who strongly defended the use of icons.
Correct Answer B)
Ghazu, in Islamic history, refers to a raiding expedition or campaign against non-Islamic communities, often for geopolitical, economic or religious reasons. Ummah, conversely, refers to the global community of Muslims, emphasizing the unity amongst Muslims across geographical and ethnic differences.
The word Ghazu is of Arabic origin, pertaining to the early Islamic period. It refers to a raiding expedition or a campaign against non-Islamic communities, particularly those who were in close proximities with the Islamic state of media or later the city of Medina.
These expeditions could be for geopolitical, economic or religious reasons. On the other hand, Ummah is an Arabic term for 'community'. In the context of Islamic history, it refers to a global community of Muslims bound together by the shared faith in Islam.
This concept is highly significant in the Islamic world as it reflects the idea of a grand unity among Muslims, regardless of their geographic or ethnic differences.
In the mid-1800s, travelers faced the greatest risk of attack by American Indian groups on the Santa Fe Trail.
The Santa Fe Trail was a 19th-century transportation route through central North America that linked Franklin, Missouri with Santa Fe, New Mexico.
The route of the Santa Fe trailed crossed the territory of the Comanches, the north-western corner of Comancheria which are a Native American nation.
freedom spread
throughout the
American colonies?
Because of America's adherence to religious equality, many diverse religious communities in the colonies prospered.
In search of religious freedom and to escape religious persecution, people all over the world went to America. It promoted religious diversity among the different colonies on the American soil. For example, German Lutherans, Puritans, Separatists, etc moved to the New World in search of religious freedom. The ideas of Roger Williams and William Penn have influenced the founding fathers of the nation to favor individual freedom and toleration of different religions.
One of the greatest playwrights in the world was;
D. William Shakespeare
Edmund Spencer was a poet.
W. Raleigh was a biographer,
Francis Drake was a navigator.