B. allocate the costs to the cost object using the activity cost allocation rates.
C. select an allocation base for each activity.
D. identify the primary activities and estimate a total cost pool for each.
Activity based costing (ABC) is a costing system that uses production activities as basis for cost allocation.All the activities related to production are identified and the cost of each activity are assigned to manufactured goods in the proportion of respective activities consumed.
It entails tracing cost to activities and activities to product.
The first step in developing this model is identifying primary activities and estimate a total cost pool for each.
Explanation:The general-duty clause of the Occupational Safety and Health Act states that it is each employer's duty to furnish a place of employment free from recognized hazards.
General Duty Clause.
The General Duty Clause places a base standard for all employers regardless of type to provide a safe environment for their employees that is free from life threatening hazards. The General Duty clause comprises thousands health and safety standards/rules.
1. They both grow tax deferred
2. Most contributions are pre-tax
3. You must leave the money in until age 59.5 or you will pay a penalty for taking it out under age
top person is correct
relate to inflation in other countries