Who is
a. who’s
c. whos’
b. whos
d. whose


Answer 1
Answer: The correct answer is A. Who's

Whos' and whos don't exist, while whose refers to possession, not to who is doing something.
Answer 2



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Lions hunt zebras and gazelles.

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Which Russian tsar supported intellectuals, poets, and playwrights and corresponded with Enlightenment philosophers? A.Peter the Great

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From the options stated above, the Russian tsar who supported intellectuals, poets, and playwrights and corresponded with Enlightenment philosophers is:

A.Peter the Great

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The anser is D. peter the great

3. When telling a story, anecdote, or joke to an audience, it is imperative that you use the microphone as a prop.
have slides that correspond to what you are saying.
have a message point that is being brought to life.
make sure a spotlight is right on you.

4. The professional storyteller tells stories with the goal of
meeting her audience.
delivering a message to her audience.
filling up time in her speech.
All of the above

5. The successful communicator tells stories with the goal of
communicating a message.
getting as many laughs as he or she can.
reliving childhood memories everyone can relate to.
None of the above

6. When telling stories to your audience, it is critical to have a
quick ending.
prop to move the story along.
joke to start off with.

7. It is vitally important that all your stories have a happy ending.

8. Ideally, what one thing do you want your audience to be focusing on?
The synthesis of everything you have been saying
The magnetic energy you are emanating
What you are saying at that moment
The next point you plan to make

9. When telling a story during a presentation, it is imperative that you
take time to describe the setting.
make it really funny.
make it about one of the people in the audience so they can relate.
None of the above

10. Describing a physical setting is important when telling a story because
people do not have a map in front of them.
it makes things less abstract and more memorable.
most audiences lack imagination.
it is more fun for you.

11. After you have described the setting and you are about to introduce new concepts, you have no choice but to
hope that everything turns out OK.
make jokes to take the focus off of you.
speed up to relay as much information as you can.
slow down.

12. One reason to personalize your story is that
you have no other material.
it is all about you, they came here to hear you speak, so give them what they want.
if you lose your place you can just start making things up
it makes it more interesting for your audience, and they will be able to relate to it better.

13. The nature of audiences is to have a much harder time understanding what you say versus what they read or study.

14. The most important element of telling a story to flesh out your point to the audience is the use of
interesting slides.

15. When using dialogue and you introduce another character, you make your story
more confusing.
more interesting.
no different, really.
a bit more boring.

16. Speaking in dialogue is a great tool because it puts you in the position as an all-powerful narrator.

17. In order to sound less monotonous when telling a story, when you repeat the words that someone else said to you, you should
pause and hold up a sign saying whose voice you will be speaking in.
change the tone of your voice.
do nothing; let the audience figure it out.
grab an audience member to read the dialogue.

18. By expressing emotion in your speech you make people
give you sympathy.
forget about their problems.
understand how you feel about events you experience.
irritated; don't do this.

19. According to what you have read, one drawback of using emotion in your presentation is if you
start to cry.
forget what you are talking about.
become over-sentimental or sappy.
None of the above

20. Never use passion in your speech; you will be looked at as unprofessional and it will be help against you.

21. If you intend to use humor in your speech and decide to tell a joke, you should
act like it is a the funniest joke ever told.
have a personal connection to the joke.
laugh loudly so that the audience will follow your lead.
preface it by saying that it is a joke so that people will not be confused.

22. You should not use humor that is not specific to some point you are trying to make.


3. Have a message point that is being brought to life  

When speaking to an audience, the purpose is to convey a message, whatever it is, and however it is delivered, therefore, to have a message point that is being brought to life is essential

4. Delivering a message to her audience

When a  professional storyteller tells stories, they usually do it in order to express a message, whether explicitly or implicitly. The story is not told just because, it has a purpose

5. Communicating a message

A communicator main's goal is to communicate a message regardless of the means used: a story, an activity that involves interacting with people, audiovisual materials, a short artistic performance, etc.

6. All stories should have a beginning and an end

With the resolution, people get the whole message. Without it, the story would be incomplete

7. False

The richness of stories lies in their diversity and variations of plots, characters, settings, resolutions and endings, and how they appeal to the readers so they get involved in the story, whether it is a sad or a happy story

8. The synthesis of everything you have been saying

In speeches, lots of pieces of information or ideas are given, and although they may seem disconnected to each other at first, they all actually are related to each other. To see the full picture, to do a synthesis of everything you are saying is key to understand the speech as a whole

9. When telling a story during a presentation, it is imperative that you take time to describe the setting

To understand the context where the story takes place helps the audience to be more involved in what it is being said, and to understand the character's intentions, and other elements of the story

10. It makes things less abstract and more memorable

With a vivid description of a physical setting, the plot of the story becomes more meaningful and clearer, and thus it appeals to the audience and makes it more memorable

11. Hope that everything turns out OK

This inevitably depends on the content of the speech, the audience, and other factors. But in all cases, a good or positive attitude during the speech, such as to "hope that everything turns out OK" will help you go more easily

12. It makes it more interesting for your audience, and they will be able to relate to it better

When we personalize, we focus on the audience's characteristic (age, profession, likes, feelings, etc.) rather than in general or abstract matters to convey the story, for example, we may use certain vocabulary when speaking to a group of teenager and other words when speaking to people on his 40s, similarly, we may choose to tell a story and not other depending on the audience. This way, the story becomes more meaningful and interesting for the audience, and thus, they will be able to relate to it better

13. False

A communicator's goal is to communicate a message, therefore, they aim to clarify or explain ideas, and lead the abstract behind

14. Statistics

Statistics is a great source of information to show credibility to your point, as they are based on studies and not subjective opinions

15. More interesting

From all the given options, this is the one that fits the best. A new character introduced in a dialogue may bring many things to the dialogue, from a different point of view, or idea, to the support of one point already established. All characters try to bring something to the story, and therefore, through their participation, the story can become more interesting

16. True

When you speak in dialogue, you are the main protagonists, you control what the characters say, you decide where to lead the story, in short, you become an all-powerful narrator

17. Change the tone of your voice

By making this change, the audience quickly understands that you are reproducing somebody else' thoughts or words, without needing any further explication of what you are doing. Besides, the performance becomes more dynamic

18. Understand how you feel about events you experience

To express one's thoughts and emotions openly, people may get the feeling that whatever your saying is genuine, and is true to you, and may understand you and your experiences better and may engage more in the speech

19. Forget what you are talking about

All the first three options are right, however, to forget what you are talking about may be the biggest drawback of them all because if you lose track of what you are saying or trying to communicate, the message would be lost, and you would not accomplish your main goal which it's to convey the message

20. False

Without passion, it is very unlikely that you appeal to people's emotions and convey that what you are saying is relevant, important and practical

21. Have a personal connection to the joke

The best way to say a joke is to be authentic with it and to feel related to it because this will let the joke flow effortlessly

22. True

Using humor may be seen as a technique to make a point, it is a means to your ultimate goal: the message

22. false because sometimes humor get's the audiences attention and let's them know they won't get bored. But stay on topic.