What happened when developers built affordable, mass-produced houses?The cost of automobiles and gasoline went up.

Schools hired teachers whose salaries were paid by the developers.

The suburbs grew as young families moved away from cities.

The federal government offered tax incentives to anyone who moved to the suburbs.


Answer 1
Answer: The correct answer for the question that is being presented above is this one: "The federal government offered tax incentives to anyone who moved to the suburbs." when developers built affordable, mass-produced houses, The federal government offered tax incentives to anyone who moved to the suburbs.
Answer 2

The correct answer is C) the suburbs grew as young families moved away from the cities.  

The thing that happened when developers built affordable, mass-produced houses was that the suburbs grew as young families moved away from the cities.

When developers started to build new residential zones in the suburbs thought mass-produced houses that were affordable to the citizens, young families decided to leave the cities and downtown homes to get these new houses in modern suburbs. New roads and fast highways helped people to get to new places. In those new suburbs, developers also built supermarkets, shopping centers, malls, office spaces, and many facilities and services for the people to stay there and do not move back to downtown areas. So yes, the thing that happened when developers built affordable, mass-produced houses was that the suburbs grew as young families moved away from the cities.

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That they would all Die?

Benjamin Franklin feared that if the colonists did not unite to repel the French and Indians, then the colonies would be forever "split," since the French would take more and more land to the east, along the coast.

As total war continued, governments


A total war is a war that involves all aspects of life, so for example the governments would :

-continue sending their men to war, as in other kinds of wars
-control the economy, by for example setting controls on prices, on what is produced and on the prizes of rentals. 

Please tell me about the missing roanoke lost colony ASAP


Roanoke went missing, but they left a single word carved into a post; Croatoan. It is still unknown what truly happened, and they are sometimes referred to as “The Lost Colony.” There are lots of theory’s, such as they were abducted, killed, or absorbed into another tribe.


[See Below]


Roanoke was a newly established colony, they sent about 100 people to establish the colony. Now for 3 years no one heard anything from Roanoke, and when John White (The guy who was in charge of Roanoke) returned he found nothing but empty houses. It was completely abandoned all but a tree with a carving with C R O. We have identified this must have meant Croatian, which were the native American tribe nearby. People have assumed that maybe the Tribe killed them because they were stealing their food and others have thought it to have been the plague that was going around at that time, and the colonists decided to pack up and move with the native tribe as they were in danger of not surviving. No one quite knows exactly what happened except the colonist of course, it's all just a bunch of hypothesis based on the little evidence.

~Hope this helps Mate. If you need anything feel free to message me.

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B. Train sailors for the British navy.
C. Limit the size of ships in English waters.
D. Ensure that England benefited from colonial trade.


D) ensure that England benefited from colonial trade


because life wewewewe

Supreme Court justices are appointed for a term of ?


Supreme Court Justices are appointed for a lifelong term until they decide to step down or retire. Supreme Court Justices are appointed by the President and are confirmed by the U.S. Senate. 




The Supreme Court Justices can hold office as long as they maintain a good behavior or are not impeached. They have the right to hold office for life. The Supreme Court Justice has the right to resign or retire when he or she feels the necessity. This is the power given to the Justices of the Supreme Court by Article III, Section 1 of the United States constitution. If any case of treason, or bribery is found against the Justices of the supreme court then they can be impeached and removed from their post permanently. It is almost the same as in the case of the President.