Down’s syndrome results from people having an extra copy of chromosome 21 in their cells as shown here. People with Down’s syndrome have both a lower IQ and a shorter life expectancy than those without Down’s syndrome. This is an example of


Answer 1
Answer: The answer is trisomy 21.

Trisomy 21 is a condition in which an extra copy of chromosome 21 is present. Instead of two chromosomes 21 in a cell, there are three chromosomes. This is a consequence of a failure of chromosome 21 to separate during the gamete development. Thus, an egg cell or a sperm cell will have two instead of one chromosome 21 and after a cross with normal gamete cell, a zygote will have three chromosomes 21.
Answer 2

D) changes in chromosomes leading to changes in cell processes.

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The student says ' plants eat sunlight, and animals eat plant'. This statement is not accurate. The plants do not eat sunlight. The plants are known to use the energy from the sunlight to make their own food. The sunlight helps in carrying out the metabolic processes in the plants, which result in the formation of the sugar molecules, these sugar molecules act as the food for others.

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Select the word that best fits the definition: The way goods and services are produced, distributed, and consumed in a society.a. job security
b. interest rate
c. economy
d. business cycle


Answer: c. economy


The economy can be define as the system which can be used to manage the production of resources, goods and services, their distributed and consumption by the people of the society. This is done through different agents. The economy is the basis of the business cycle, and livelihood. The economic agents can be organizations, government and individual businesses. This process involves the distribution and circulation of money.  

Final answer:

The word that best defines 'the way goods and services are produced, distributed, and consumed in a society' is 'economy'. The economy is the system through which goods and services are produced, distributed to different sectors, and consumed.


Your question pertains to a core concept in Social Studies, specifically in Economics. The term that best fits the definition 'the way goods and services are produced, distributed, and consumed in a society' is economy.

An economy is a system of production, distribution and consumption. In this system, goods and services are produced by different businesses and organizations. Once produced, these goods and services are then distributed to various sectors in the society where they are consumed. The process of production, distribution, and consumption can all vary greatly depending on the type of economy in question.

Learn more about Economy here:


Tại sao con người chúng ta lại sốt nhiều lần như vậy?



Fever is an elevated temperature of the human body that is substantially beyond the normal range. Normal body temperature fluctuates daily from about one degree below 98.6 degrees Fahrenheit to one degree above that number. Lower body temperatures usually occur before dawn; higher temperatures in the afternoon.

Body temperature also varies slightly depending on where on the human body it is measured. Rectal (internal) temperature tends normally to be higher than skin (surface) temperature. Oral and armpit temperatures can approximate actual body temperature and are more convenient to measure.

A dog starts chasing Gretchen. When her brain sends a signal to her muscles to run, which neurons are at work?sensory





Answer: The correct answer is -

motor neurons.


Nervous system ( that includes two branches that are central nervous system and peripheral nervous system) helps in the transfer of nerve impulses to and from the various parts of body.

Sensory neurons receive information from sensory receptors (which are stimulated through outside environment). They take this information to the CNS (central nervous system that includes brain and spinal cord), where it gets processed and interpreted (particularly in the brain).

Ultimately, Motor neurons transfers this interpreted information (from the CNS to the muscles) to the glands, muscles or various other body organs for proper action to take place.

Therefore, motor neurons carry information from the CNS to dog muscles, which alarm him to run away.

Thus, motor neurons are at work.

motor neurons are at work

Healthy soil depends on _______. a. the size of rock particles b. oxygen content c. moisture content d. all of the above


The correct answer is (d). All of the above.

The health of the soil depends on several factors such as the size of rock, which determines the water holding capacity of soil. The soil having smaller rock particles holds more water as compared to the soil having larger rock particles. The more the oxygen content of the soil, the better will be the growth of plants. The roots of the plants require oxygen for various functions. The moisture content enables the growth of healthy microorganism that is required for humification in the soil to increase the soil health.


