What is the correct branching sequence of arteries in the kidney?


Answer 1

I apologize for the confusion. I am currently on the website you mentioned and here is the answer to your question: The correct branching sequence of arteries in the kidney is: renal artery → segmental artery → interlobar artery → arcuate artery → interlobular artery → afferent arterioles.

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Answer: C


What accounts for water's properties of adhesion and cohesion?


What accounts for water's properties of adhesion and cohesion? The polar nature of water and the effects of hydrogen bonding

Further explanation

Adhesion is the tendency of dissimilar particles to cling to one another. While the cohesion is the grammatical and lexical linking within a sentence that holds the text together and gives the meaning. Cohesive forces are the intermolecular forces which cause a tendency in liquids to resist separation. The example of intermolecular forces  are hydrogen bonding and Van der Waals forces. The differences between adhesion and cohesion are in adhesion, the molecules of different substances stick together and in cohesion, the molecules stick to each other

Water is a transparent, tasteless, odorless, and nearly colorless chemical substance. There are five main properties of water such as:

  1. The attraction to polar molecules.
  2. High-specific heat.
  3. High heat of vaporization.
  4. The lower density of ice.
  5. High polarity.

What accounts for water's properties of adhesion and cohesion is the polar nature of water and the effects of hydrogen bonding

Learn more

  1. Learn more about water's properties brainly.com/question/916884
  2. Learn more about adhesion brainly.com/question/10974275
  3. Learn more      about cohesion brainly.com/question/1578115

Answer details

Grade:       9

Subject:  biology

Chapter:  water's properties

Keywords: water's properties, adhesion, cohesion, water, accounts

The bonding between the hydrogen atom and the polar nature of the water account for adhesion and cohesion characteristics of water.

Further Explanation:

The water molecules have two hydrogen atoms attached to an oxygen atom by a polar covalent bond. Carbon has an electronegativity of 2.55, which is very close to the electronegativity of hydrogen (2.20). Water is a good solvent because it is a polar molecule (polarity of a molecule is the separation of electric charge result to a molecule consisting of an “electric dipole moment” through a positively charged end and negatively charged end). The oxygen atom in the water molecule is more electronegative (tendency to attract electrons, as they are electron deficient.), while hydrogen molecule is electropositive as compared to the oxygen.

Due to this electronegativity difference, the shared pair of electrons is prominently pulled towards the oxygen atom, giving the atom a partially negative charge, and the hydrogen atoms a partially positive charge. The polarity of water is accountable for the “cohesion and adhesion” characteristics of water.

Learn more:

  1. Learn more about the effects of alcohol on brain brainly.com/question/2034996
  2. Learn more about alcohol is an antidepressant drug brainly.com/question/4541397
  3. Learn more about the effect of alcohol on body weight brainly.com/question/826810

Answer Details:

Grade: High School

Subject: Biology

Chapter: Water


Water, electronegative, oxygen, atom, negative charge, carbon, electron, tendency, hydrogen, positive charge, polar covalent bond.

Which of the following is not a direct fate of the energy flowing through photosynthesis? a. carnivores b. cellular respiration c. herbivores d. heat sinks



The correct answer is a. carnivores.

Photosynthesis is the process by which plants make their food from carbon dioxide and water in the presence of sunlight and chlorophyll. Hence, they convert light energy into chemical energy (food or glucose).

This energy is first utilized in the cellular respiration and then the rest in transferred to the primary consumers i.e. herbivores which feed on green plants.

They use this energy in their metabolic processes. The rest is transferred to the secondary consumers i.e. carnivores which feed on the herbivores.

Hence, energy from the photosynthesis indirectly passes to the carnivores via herbivores.

Carnivores among the following choices is not a direct fate of the energy flowing through photosynthesis. The correct option among all the options that are given in the question is the first option or option "a". It is basically neither transmitted or absorbed or reflected. I hope the answer comes to your help.

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NOT a characteristic of a behavior.a. It can be observed.
b. It can be recorded.
c. It can be influenced by the environment.
d. It can include a person’s thoughts.


NOT a characteristic of a behavior is that it can be influenced by the environment. The answer to your question is C. I hope this is the answer that you are looking for and it comes to your help.

Answer : The correct answer is-

c. It can be influenced by the environment.

Behaviour can be described as collection/set of actions/emotions that are performed/exhibited by particular organism. It describes the way in which organism responds to the conditions in his/her surroundings.

The behavioral characteristics can be observed (through actions) and recorded, and it includes the perception or thoughts of the individuals.

Thus, Option c) does not depict the characteristic of behavior.