HELP ASAPFor the reaction 2H2(g) + S2(g)<---> 2H2S(g), determine the equilibrium constant at 700oC if at this temperature, the equilibrium concentrations are as follows:
[H2] = 0.208 M, [S2] = 1.13 × 10-6 M , [H2S] = 0.725 M
A) 1.08 × 107
B) 3.49
C)4.55 × 10-7
D)3.22 × 106


Answer 1
Answer: Equilibrium constant of a reaction is the ratio of concentrations of the products and the reactants when the reaction is in equilibrium. This value is independent of the concentrations since the conditions are at equilibrium instead it depends on ionic strength and temperature.

First, we write the equilibrium expression.

K = [H2S]^2 / [H2]^2 x [S2]
K = (0.725^2) / [(0.208^2) (1.13 x 10^-6)]
K = 10751545.56 or 1.08 x 10^7

Thus, the answer is A.

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Increasing the pressure


  • An increase in pressure on a gas can bring the molecules close enough to each other to develop some inter-molecular attractions and form a liquid.
  • The increase in pressure changes the state of matter from gas to liquid and also from liquid to solid. But increase in pressure alone cannot change the state of matter. Every gases and liquid have certain temperature above which the application of pressure would not change the state of matter.
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C1V1 = C2V2

C1 = concentration of solution 1
V1 = volume of solution 1
C2 = concentration of solution 2
V2 = volume of solution 2

(0.1)(V1) = (0.05)(750)
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Many breads arc made by adding yeast to dough, causing the dough to rise. Yeast is a type of microorganism that produces the catalyst zymase, which converts glucose, C6H12O6' to ethanol and carbon dioxide gas. The balanced equation for this reaction is shown below.C6H12O6(aq) 2 C2H5OH(aq) + 2 CO2(g)

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73. Ethanol has 2 carbons connected to each other. One carbon has 3 H attached and the other atom has 2 H attached and an -OH attachment 
      H   H
       l     l
H - C - C - OH
       l     l
      H    H

74. Activation energy is lowered. 
75. Note: MW glucose is 180g/mol ; MW ethanol is 46 g/mol; there is 2 moles of ethanol produced by one mole of glucose. 

g glucose= 270 glucose (1mol/180g)(2mole ethanol/1mol glucose)(46g/mol)= 138 g ethanol

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