What are the properties of metal that make it a usful material for electricians


Answer 1
Answer: a property of a metal is that it has delocalised electrons, electrons that are mobile and free to move throught the structure, thus a metal can conduct electricity

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By observing their effect on their surroundings.

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The correct answer is (a.) decomposition. The equation NaCl --> Na + Cl is a decomposition reaction. That is because the synthesis reaction looks like this Na + Cl = NaCl, and is the opposite of the decomposition. The decomposition reaction is the chemical reaction in which a single compound break into new compounds. 

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The current values in and out of the battery is going to be equal to the sum of the currents going through the light bulbs. In a parallel circuit, the current is divided as it enters different branches and light bulbs. However, the amount of current leaving the battery is always going to be the same as the amount of current entering the battery. Therefore, while current divides in a parallel circuit, the total amount of current always remains the same.

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the velocity is 200


the average velocity is 200

If Sarah melts 10g of tin. What mass of melted tin would she have at the end of the experiment?​





The experiment is about melting of tin. When solid tin is melted, it retains the amount of substance it originally has and we expect it to still be 10g.

Mass is the quantity or amount of matter contained in a substance. For most chemical processes, the law of conservation of matter is always succinctly observed.

The law states that "matter is neither created nor destroyed in a chemical reaction or process". Although melting is a phase change, we can adapt this law to the process. Owning to no loss of matter in the melting procedure, the amount of substance remains the same.

Therefore, we are left with about the same mass of substance we started with which is 10g.




As the Law of Conservation of Mass states that " Mass can neither be created nor be destroyed in a chemical reaction".

Though melting of tin isn't a chemical change, the same logic is applied here...


The mass of tin will be 10 g itself...

Name 2 forces acting on an object at rest Only need 1 got gravity


You mean like a box sitting on a table.

One force is the force of gravity, pulling downward on the box.

Now, you know that the forces acting on the box must be balanced, because
if they're not, then the box would be accelerating.  But it's just sitting there, so
there must be some other force, just exactly the right strength and direction to
exactly cancel the force of gravity on the box, so that the net force on it is zero.

The other force is the force of the table pushing upward on the box.  It's called
the "normal force".