What was an outcome of the North Atlantic Treaty?1.The United States extended its policy on isolationism.
2.The Soviet Union blockaded Berlin.
3.North Korea attacked South Korea.
4.All members agreed to treat an attack on one as an attack on all.
5.Russia acquired Poland and Bulgaria.


Answer 1
Answer: 4.All members agreed to treat an attack on one as an attack on all.

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They used to have ' town meetings' in the meetinghouse and white , free men who owned property could vote on laws and leaders .

I hope that's help !

Most colonists liked being British citizens, until the government in England pushed them too far. Which of these are reasons the colonists were angry with Britain?A.Because of taxes, such as the Stamp Act
B.Because of the Intolerable Acts, which punished Massachusetts
C.Because colonial women were not allowed to vote
D.Because they were forced to house British soldiers in private homes


Answer: A and D


Reasons due to which the colonists were angry with the Britain are:

1. Because they had to pay high taxes under the Stamp Act.

2. Colonists were forced to house British soldiers in private homes.

How to finish a space report in ten minutes?


There's no answer to this besides working diligently and focusing! A report done in ten minutes won't be your best work, but it may be your quickest. First things first, though: Get off of brainly and get to it!
Maybe try not procrastinating? 

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Poison gas was used by both sides with devastating results (well, sometimes) during the Great War. The Germans pioneered the large-scale use of chemical weapons with a gas attack on Russian positions on January 31, 1915, during the Battle of Bolimov, but low temperatures froze the poison (xylyl bromide) in the shells. The first successful use of chemical weapons occurred on April 22, 1915, near Ypres, when the Germans sprayed chlorine gas from large cylinders towards trenches held by French colonial troops. The defenders fled, but typically for the First World War, this didn’t yield a decisive result: the Germans were slow to follow up with infantry attacks, the gas dissipated, and the Allied defenses were restored. Before long, of course, the Allies were using poison gas too, and over the course of the war both sides resorted to increasingly insidious compounds to beat gas masks, another new invention; thus the overall result was a huge increase in misery for not much change in the strategic situation (a recurring theme of the war).

How were the Egyptians protected by their physical environment?


The Egyptians were very efficiently protected by their geographical surroundings; enemy armies would have had to travel long distances through deserts or via boat over oceans to enter Egypt.

Egypt was protected by the Mediterranean Sea to the North and the Red Sea to the East, with only a relatively small strip of land connecting Egypt and Africa with the Eurasian land.  To the South was the Sahara Desert and to the West was what is no known as the Libyan Desert.  Basically, from all directions, enemies would have had to overcome significant geographical borders to reach the Egyptians.

How did boston sons of liberty show their opposition in 1773


So ... to start with the before the Son's of Liberty formed, the British decided to place taxes on tea and basically shipped goods. They felt that they had the "right to pass taxes and laws" but colonists were angered with this and said that "no taxation without representation" What this means is that, since the British did not have any votes in parliament that gave them the right to do so, and the people did not have anyone to represent them. Sound unfair huh?

So now this will answer your question...
The Son's of Liberty were colonists in Boston who opposed this ( what I stated above about tax without representation). Therefore, to show there opposition, they were in disguise as Indians, boarded a ship that was carrying goods, tea to be exact,and dumped and destroyed about 342 crates of tea!
This was known as "The Boston Tea Party Act"

Hope this helped!