This would happen due to the substances in the salamander's skin, because of the sulfur they would be able to survive.
Acid rain is a phenomenon that occurs when sulfur and nitrogen oxides released into the atmosphere by pollution react with rainwater and generate acids.
Atmospheric air is formed by various chemical elements, including gases such as oxygen (O2), nitrogen (N2), carbonic (CO2), Xenon (Xe) and Radon (Rn), in addition to other variable components. Smoke is one of the harmful components that is produced by some industries and released by automobiles.
There are industries that do not have filters in their chimneys. In this way, black smoke with soot is released into the air, composed of lead (Pb), zinc (Zn) and cadmium (Cd), which depending on the quantity can be harmful to living beings.
Cars also emit smoke that contains sulfur oxides (SO2 and SO3), carbon monoxide (CO), nitrogen dioxide (NO2) and hydrocarbons.
All these pollutants, present in the smoke, when reacting with water vapor in the atmosphere, form sulfuric acid (H2SO4) and nitric acid (HNO3), thus characterizing acid rain.
The three types of volcanic mountains include composite volcanoes, cinder cones and shield volcanoes.
When compared in terms of shape, composite volcanoes are mostly tall and symmetrically cone–shaped, cinder cones are short circular shaped cone while shield volcanoes are low with mild sloping sides.
When compared in terms of eruption, the eruption from composite volcanoes is a pyroclastic flow (a mixture of hot steam, ash, rock and dust) that occurs at very high speeds with temperatures of over 400°C, the eruption from cinder volcanoes is violently blown lava while the eruption from shield volcanoes is frequent gentle, thin, runny lava.
When compared in terms of material makeup, the materials that make up composite volcanoes are alternating layers of lava and ash, while the material that makes up both cinder volcanoes and shield volcanoes is lava.
deny suffrage to women.
end the Reconstruction Era.
deny suffrage to African Americans.
help pay for the growing New Deal programs.
I believe his name was Thaddeus Kosciusko