Where in the dialogue should there be a paragraph break or paragraph breaks? "Can you help me with these algebra problems?" Neil asked. "Sure," Pat answered. "Would around noon be a good time?" Neil suggested. Choose all answers that are correct. A. after the word asked B. after the word answered C. after the word problems


Answer 1
Answer: "sure," pat answered. it's not Neil talking so it should be a break.
Answer 2


Yes he is correct



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Answer:The coach doesn't support Neto, Jesse, and the other teammate.


The coach didn't support them and he said that leaving is the worst thing that they can do and it will make it all worse. They were explained everything to him but he didn't tried to understand it at all.

The coach even said that other people will call them ''losers'' and ''quitters''. They were very disappointed because they was hopping that he would understand it after their explanation, but he didn't.


A. "Neto does not want to stop playing football for his school".


If he did not want to complicate the problem about racism, he would have just quit football. However, he kept playing and racism was still prevalent.

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Abraham Lincoln, 16th President of the United States
Brought freedom to slaves
Rallied Union Forces
Assasinated in 1865
Honest at all times
Attorney at law
Married Mary Todd

*Note: I don't like to do someone's work without them learning anything, so you can figure out the rest!! Hope this helps spark some ideas!! (:

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