Is medicine in a bottle a liquid in liquid, solid in liquid, gas in liquid, gas in gas or liquid in gas.


Answer 1
Answer: well it can be liquid in solid because cough syrup or solid in liquid if they are pills 

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Which molecule contains the smallest number of hydrogen atoms?


The Molecule that contain the smallest number of Hydrogen atoms is Al(OH)3. It has three hydrogen atoms -

I hopes this helps
 The molecule with a small amount of hydrogen atoms is a Al(OH)3.

At atom that has only one electron in its valence electron shell is ________ chemically reactive.a. not
b. mildly
c. highly
d. The name of the element is needed to figure this out.


The correct answer is C. An atom having only one valence electron is highly chemically reactive. The valence electron says a lot to the reactivity of an atom. For example, sodium has only one valence electron which makes it so reactive and unstable. The alkali metals have only 1 valence electron.

Answer:The correct answer is  C. Highly


its correct because I got it correct on my test sooo..yuup.!

-hope this helps.!!

1 Iron can be extracted from iron(III) oxide using carbon, shown by the equation below:Fe²O³ + C -> Fe + CO
Balance the equation and state which substance is oxidised and which is reduced​



To balance the chemical equation for the extraction of iron from iron(III) oxide using carbon, you need to ensure that the same number of each type of atom appears on both sides of the equation. Here's the balanced equation:

2Fe₂O₃ + 3C -> 4Fe + 3CO

Now, let's determine which substance is oxidized and which is reduced:

1. Iron (Fe) undergoes a change in oxidation state from +3 in iron(III) oxide (Fe₂O₃) to 0 in elemental iron (Fe). It is reduced because it gains electrons, going from a higher positive oxidation state to zero.

2. Carbon (C) in carbon (C) undergoes a change in oxidation state from 0 to +2 in carbon monoxide (CO). Carbon is oxidized because it loses electrons and goes from an oxidation state of 0 to +2.

So, in this chemical reaction:

- Iron is reduced (it gains electrons).

- Carbon is oxidized (it loses electrons).

2 How many
molecules of water are
there in 1g of water CH₂)​



3.3345 x 10^22

The molar mass of the water molecule is 18 g/mol. It implies that 1 mol of water molecules weigh 18 g.

Now you can calculate easily the number of water molecules present in 1 g of water. Calculation follows

18 g of water contains 1 mol of water molecules.

or 18 g of water contains 6.022 x 10^23 water molecules.

or 1 g of water contains (6.022 x 10^23)/ 18 water molecules and the number comes out to be 3.3455 x 10^22.

So the number of water molecules present in 1 g of water is 3.3455 x 10^22.


Hope this helps you

A marshmallow is placed in a microwave to be heated for smores. The marshmallow has a 86 mL at a temperature of 543 °C. What temperature, in K, would themarshmallow need to be if the volume changed to 51.1 ml?


Answer: 484.94 K


T2 = T1 X V2 / V1

Temperature must be in kelvin so 543 + 273.15 =816.15

816.15 X 51.1 / 86

Answer: We can use the combined gas law to solve this problem:

(P₁V₁/T₁) = (P₂V₂/T₂)

where P is pressure, V is volume, and T is temperature in Kelvin.

We know that P₁ = P₂ (the pressure is assumed to be constant), and we are given V₁, T₁, and V₂. We can solve for T₂:

(P₁V₁/T₁) = (P₂V₂/T₂)

T₂ = (P₂V₂/T₁) * (T₁/P₁V₁)

We need to convert the initial temperature from Celsius to Kelvin:

T₁ = 543 + 273 = 816 K

Substituting the values:

T₂ = (1 atm * 86 mL / 816 K) * (51.1 mL / 1 atm * 86 mL)

T₂ = 0.0629 * 51.1 * 1000 = 3217 K

Therefore, the marshmallow would need to be heated to a temperature of 3217 K for its volume to change from 86 mL to 51.1 mL.

Enjoy (:

What was henri becquerel studying when he accidentally discovered radioactivity?


He was looking at Uranium Salts

Henri Becquerel was studying properties of x-rays