What does virtue mean?


Answer 1
Answer: Hi there! Virtue means behavior, which means showing high moral. For example, Virtue is knowledge.
Answer 2
Answer: Behavior showing high moral standards

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Answer: He is arrogant and aggressive.

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Either A or C. It is a complete sentence. But can also be a fragment since it kind of has two sentences put together
A its complete because its not cut off and it doesnt continue on

What important fact about Ichabod Crane comes to light in the passage? Ichabod was a just teacher who treated his students impartially.
Ichabod was a good teacher who tried to do right by his students.
Ichabod was a fair teacher who was misunderstood by his students.
Ichabod was an unjust teacher who punished his students with prejudice.


The passage is here:

Spare the rod and spoil the child."—Ichabod Crane’s scholars certainly were not spoiled. I would not have it imagined, however, that he was one of those cruel potentates of the school, who joy in the smart of their subjects; on the contrary, he administered justice with discrimination rather than severity; taking the burden off the backs of the weak, and laying it on those of the strong. Your mere puny stripling, that winced at the least flourish of the rod, was passed by with indulgence; but the claims of justice were satisfied by inflicting a double portion on some little, tough, wrong-headed, broad-skirted Dutch urchin, who sulked and swelled and grew dogged and sullen beneath the birch. All this he called "doing his duty by their parents;" and he never inflicted a chastisement without following it by the assurance, so consolatory to the smarting urchin, that "he would remember it, and thank him for it the longest day he had to live."

The correct answer is "Ichabod was a fair teacher who was misunderstood by his students."

Identify the type of sentence. After the supplies are delivered, we will decorate the room. simple sentence compound sentence complex sentence


the answer is a  complex sentence it has a subordinate clause  "After the supplies are delivered" what will happen next? we will decorate the room


Complex sentence


Because it has a subordinate clause. “After the supplies are delivered” gives a question; "what happens next?" That is answered with “we will decorate the room.” Witch, when put together, means that is is a subordinate clause. In other words; a complex sentence

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2. behaves like one who is guilty
3.remains for a moment or two
4.is startled and disappears


The right answer for the question that is being asked and shown above is that: "3.remains for a moment or two; 2. behaves like one who is guilty. In Hamlet, when the rooster crows to announce the break of day, the Ghost: remains for a moment or two; 2. behaves like one who is guilty


2 & 4


Read the excerpt from "Rhapsody on a Windy Night":The lamp hummed: "Regard the moon, La lune ne garde aucune rancune,
She winks a feeble eye,
She smiles into corners.
She smoothes the hair of the grass.
The moon has lost her memory.

The French line “La lune ne garde aucune rancune” translates to “The moon never holds a grudge.”
Which best describes the meaning of this line?

A. The narrator has met people he wants to forget.
B. Each night is new; previous events do not matter.
C. The narrator has met people he wants to remember.
D. Each night is the same, repeating events.


In the excerpt, the french line “La lune ne garde aucune rancune” which translates to “The moon never holds a grudge” means B. Each night is new; previous events do not matter. It only means that tomorrow will be different. 

Each night is new; previous events do not matter.

The translation says that "the moon never holds a grudge." This tells us the moon does not hold on to previous events, so they don't matter. The poem states "the moon has lost her memory" which also indicates whatever happened previously is not important. A and C can be eliminated immediately. Option D is wrong because even though it states what the moon does at night, the speaker doesn't use any words to suggest it happens every night. Also, we know that the moon does actually change throughout the course of the month changing shape and the amount of moonlight that is available.

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