The Phoenicians chose Carthage because it was located in the center of North Africa, a short distance away from Sicily and the Italian Peninsula. When the Assyrians and the Persians conquered the original homeland of the Phoenicians, Carthage became an independent state
The Phoenicians established Carthage because it was located in the center of Northern Africa, a short distance away from Sicily and the Italian Peninsula.
Monotheism is the belief that god can be cruel. Polytheism is the belief that god is all forgiving.
Monotheism is the belief in many gods. Polytheism is the belief in only one god.
Monotheism is the worship of one god. Polytheism is the worship of many gods.
Monotheism is the worship of the sun god. Polytheism is the worship of the god of everything.
Men were enslaved, so polygamy became more common in African society.